Support ARMi

Please help support ARMi a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization supporting Rangers past, present and future.

$550.00 donated
5 Donors

The History of Army Ranger Mojo Inc. ARMi

Army Ranger Mojo Inc., an organization supporting past, present and future Rangers has been a non-profit since 2009. The online community has been around since 1999 and the Ranger community itself has been around even longer. We currently estimate approximately 500 young soldiers that have obtained Ranger contracts that have come here requesting mentorship from one of our vetted Rangers. Our mentor program provides direct feedback and support to our young soldiers in preparing them for their journey to the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program. Our program is so well known now that we receive special forces soldiers, active duty soldiers, officers, and foreign service members seeking assistance with their journeys to Ranger School and some into the elite 75th Ranger Regiment.

Army Ranger Mojo is a non-profit organization (501c3) and your donation is tax-deductible. ARMi has several other areas in which it provides assistance and support to our community. Army Ranger Mojo utilizes the website, which provides multiple sources of education and history surrounding Army Rangers. The website also includes the largest vetted Army Ranger forums currently on the internet. A member with the title Ranger has been vetted as a Ranger. The site includes several sections dedicated to Ranger support including Networking, Service related issues, PTSD section, parents area, dedicated female/wives area, mentor area, sports, weapons, and much more. Many of the areas are not visible until one registers on the site.

Your donation will bring us closer to our goal in making sure that our programs will continue by keeping online. Many active duty Rangers, recruiters and more are on board as well as hundreds of individuals. Our community is clearly excited and eager to see our program succeed. You can be a part of that excitement by supporting Army Ranger Mojo with your donation. We are happy to acknowledge your donation on our website, unless you prefer otherwise.

I would like to thank you for considering this opportunity to see our program grow and raising funds to keep online.


Education through history, mentoring, and intellectual conversation in supporting past, present, and future Rangers through an online, interactive forum to over 8800 registered users and all others seeking information about becoming or supporting US Army Rangers.

To support and conduct education, research and informational activities to increase public appreciation of America’s past, present and future elite warriors: U S Army Rangers.

To develop, encourage, foster and support Ranger mentors who may help prepare candidates seeking the physical and mental challenges that will serve as a foundation for membership into one of the Army’s elite combat units or suitable for service in the 75th Ranger Regiment and those wishing to attend Ranger School.

To educate, encourage and assist the families of special operations warriors and to facilitate their unique support of their warriors.

To promote and enhance the cooperation of all special operations warriors worldwide.

To raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured or traumatized US Army Rangers; to provide a safe forum for US Army Rangers to assist each other; and to provide unique programs and forums to make available the utmost services to the injured or traumatized US Army Rangers and their families.

To honor the memory of US Army Rangers who died defending our country and our way of life; to preserve and perpetuate the memory, heritage and spirit of the US Army Rangers.

To provide an online, interactive forum whereby active duty Rangers, retired Rangers, former Rangers, future Rangers, and families and friends of Rangers may correspond, communicate ideas, share stories, announce events and generally develop a unique community between and among themselves.

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