M1919 A4/A6 Machinegun

M1919 A4/A6 Machinegun

M1919 Browning .30 medium machinegun Before the end of WWI, the US Ordnance Department realized the need for a smaller machinegun. The water-cooled M1917A1 was just too heavy and cumbersome. The M1919A4 was lighter, air-cooled, and a lot more portable. It was usually mounted on the M2 tripod to help with stability when firing. The barrel could be changed and the assistant gunner carried a spare. The gun was initially used at company level with a team to support it. The 250-round belt gained popularity, compared to the twenty-round magazines used with the BAR, and soon the gun was being deployed with Ranger and Airborne units at the squad level. This type of use prompted some necessary changes. A butt was added, along with a bipod, carrying handle and a lighter barrel. This model was designated the M1919A6. The M1919 was used in combat in WWII, Korea, and the M1919A6 model was used in Vietnam until it was replaced by the M60 general purpose machinegun.

Primary Function Medium Machinegun Manufacturer General Motors and others Caliber .30 Length 40.9 in Weight 30.8 lbs Effective Range 900 m Operation Recoil Type of Fire Automatic Muzzle Velocity 850 m/sec Sight Front – blade Rear – leaf Feed System 250 rd belt or disintegrating link Cyclic Rate 400 – 500 rpm

Marauders transfer weapons from railroad to river steamer. Seen are the M1919A4 machinegun carried by a Marauder. The native is carrying an 60mm mortar system.
by Tim Davis