Is there an official Rip gradution??

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Is there an official Rip gradution??

Post by Deadmeat »

You know in all my searching i still can't find an answer to this question!! So does anyone know if they doing like the basic training grad??? I was hoping for my parents to come down to see me after this. Oh well i'll keep looking for it, i'll post if i find anything out.
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Post by bmkcam »

im not sureif this is accurate. but a friend just finished rip and he said that his mom came down to see his graduation. but im not sure if it was an official big thing or not.

Rip Graduation

Post by Spartan »

Yes, there is a RIP graduation. It would either be held at the Ranger Regiment area, or more than likely, at the Ranger Memorial. Family members are encouraged to attend.

Post by Deadmeat »

Thanks guys! Being as how i'm from New Jersey and i'm going down to Ft.Benning my parents will only be able to come down once. I told them to come down after Rip for me.
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Post by Carboned114 »

Well this is an old topic but I'm kind of wondering the same thing, I think it would be an extra motivational drive to help me get through RIP if my parents would come see me with a Ranger scroll on my shoulder and a tan beret on my head for the 1st time. So my question is this, if any Ranger's would please take the time to answer, was your RIP graduation a bigger event then your OSUT graduation?
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Post by rbarger »

The ceremony is not as formal as basic graduation, but there is nothing better than hearing the words "don your berets" and then putting your beret on for the first time. It will probably be held at the Ranger Memorial.
B. Co. 3/75 88-92
RIP Det. 75th Regt. 92-93
C. Co. 3/75 93-95
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Post by Morris0352 »

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Post by rbarger »

Morris0352 and TooYoung:
I can assure you, you do not want your parents to come down for Airborne graduation. Unless it has changed since I went through, the second you walk off the parade field from Airborne graduation the RIP cadre meet you there and it is not a pleasant experience. I doubt you want your parents watching you get your ass chewed. Someone who has graduated more recentlly may give a better answer. If your parents live reasonably close I would have them come down for RIP graduation. Personally, if they are coming from Oregon I would not have them come down for anything. You will probably get leave after RIP graduation and you can fly home in your Class A uniform with jump boots and your new tan beret. Have your parents meet you at the airport. A whole lot bigger rush. Obviously, this only matters if you make it.
B. Co. 3/75 88-92
RIP Det. 75th Regt. 92-93
C. Co. 3/75 93-95
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Post by Carboned114 »

That sounds like a good idea...However knowing my mom she will want to come down for one of them. Ill just gave to wait to see what happen's.

Post by Cicisbeo »

Well the RIP cadre doesn't pick you up after Airborne grad anymore. You have to wait a week in hold at Airborne school then they pick you up. So if your parents want to come I would say let them because you'll get the weekend off.

As for RIP graduation, it takes place at the Ranger Memorial and it's somewhat informal. It takes about 30 minutes but for me it was a lot cooler than osut grad. And you can have your parents pin on your scroll. The only bad thing is that they ship you off to your battalion that afternoon so you get no time to spend with them. However, i wouldn't even think about that yet. Our RIP class started with 95 and graduated 27, so you figure out the math.


Post by Spartan »

Take Note Kids - Cicisbeo started on this forum soon after we launched the new forum software and is user #41. Also, he made a total of only four posts before he moved out and made it through Basic, AIT, Jump School AND the Ranger Indoctrination Program. He graduated RIP and is currently assigned to 2/75.

The point here is that you can achieve success by paying attention and doing some good reading of the posts on here, without freaking out about every minor detail prior to shipping and instead running your mouth constantly across the entire board.

I'd like to thank you for being here Cicisbeo. We are honored by your presence. Welcome to the brotherhood - Ranger.

Now, you wannabees and gonnabees don't all go tripping all over yourselves and wetting your pants at the prospect of PMing Cicisbeo to death about every minor detail you're not man enough to post on the board because guess what? - Cicisbeo is a Ranger now. He's got important shit to do every day just to be able to stay in Bn and right now, that's his priority. It certainly is NOT to ease your little anxiety attack about doing something different with your life.

If you want it, you'll just do it. Cicisbeo knows - but don't waste his motherfucking time. He's busy protecting your ass right now (and mine), by putting his own on the line with his brothers.

Congratulations - RLTW!
Master J

Post by Master J »

fuckin HOOOOAAAH!! congrats bro.
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Post by Earthpig »

Congrats on making it to 2nd Bat! What Company/Platoon are you in? Say hello to Mt. Rainier and spit in the Nisqually for me, will ya? Hooah!
Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.
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