Introduction - Connor

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Introduction - Connor

Post by Peanut_Butter »

My names Connor and I'm a 20 year old from Indianapolis. Long-story short, I've been working as a freight-loader at UPS and have developed a newfound pride for hardwork and challenge. The problem is.... I'm getting absolutely nothing out of all that hard-work at UPS.

I'm the best loader on my belt and one of the best in the hub. Being that you'd think I'd get some respect right? Wrong. I'm treated like absolute dog-**** and receive no recognition. In fact, in the past few months I've been getting punished for repeatedly refusing to carry the weight of my co-workers slack. Instead of coming down on my co-workers for working too slow, they press on me to work harder. My breaks are cancelled, I'm forced to clean-up other people's trailers, and I have to deal with the threats and harassment of my superiors. I have absolutely no problem getting down and dirty, working until I'm swimming in a pool of my own sweat. But I'm not going to break my back for something I'm getting nothing out of and get treated like dirt while doing it.

This is what I'm looking for in the Army. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm hoping the Army will be something that won't just utilize my hard-work, but recognize and appreciate it. I look to the Rangers as a pinnacle and pay-off of that hard-work. I hopped on here with the intentions of going Option-40. But the more I've read on your forums the more I've realized that's not for me. If I'm going to be a Ranger, I'm going all the way. I'm enlisting as 11x infantry and intend to work my way up to officer status, no matter how difficult. It may take me awhile, I may even fail... but I am going to put forth every little bit of effort and will I have within me to join the ranks of you Rangers.

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Re: Introduction - Connor

Post by rangerjd »

Peanut_Butter wrote:My names Connor and I'm a 20 year old from Indianapolis. Long-story short, I've been working as a freight-loader at UPS and have developed a newfound pride for hardwork and challenge. The problem is.... I'm getting absolutely nothing out of all that hard-work at UPS.

I'm the best loader on my belt and one of the best in the hub. Being that you'd think I'd get some respect right? Wrong. I'm treated like absolute dog-**** and receive no recognition. In fact, in the past few months I've been getting punished for repeatedly refusing to carry the weight of my co-workers slack. Instead of coming down on my co-workers for working too slow, they press on me to work harder. My breaks are cancelled, I'm forced to clean-up other people's trailers, and I have to deal with the threats and harassment of my superiors. I have absolutely no problem getting down and dirty, working until I'm swimming in a pool of my own sweat. But I'm not going to break my back for something I'm getting nothing out of and get treated like dirt while doing it.

This is what I'm looking for in the Army. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm hoping the Army will be something that won't just utilize my hard-work, but recognize and appreciate it. I look to the Rangers as a pinnacle and pay-off of that hard-work. I hopped on here with the intentions of going Option-40. But the more I've read on your forums the more I've realized that's not for me. If I'm going to be a Ranger, I'm going all the way. I'm enlisting as 11x infantry and intend to work my way up to officer status, no matter how difficult. It may take me awhile, I may even fail... but I am going to put forth every little bit of effort and will I have within me to join the ranks of you Rangers.

Would you like a little cheese with that w(h)ine. A Ranger doesn't do what he does to get recognition, (you want recognition, join the SEALs) he does what he does because it's who he is. If your looking for a pat on the back for a job well done, go back to high school, that's not how the real world works. The only thing your employer owes you is a paycheck and as long as your getting that, be happy. I've been in the private sector now for over 20 years and I run in to young guys like you on the construction site all the time, whining because nobody recognizes you hard work . If your working hard and giving it your all, somebody is noticing. The world does not owe you a pat on the back, an 'atta boy' or a participation ribbon. Get over yourself, pull yourself up by your boot straps, and drive on. You want to be a Ranger, follow this advice. Give everything you've got, every time you give and never, ever quit! RLTW
Ranger Class 8-82
C Co 2/75 80-83-HCMTC 83-85
Drill Sgt 85-87-Sapper Instructor 87-89
A Co 2/75 89-90-G3 I Corps 90-91
I Corps LRSC 91-93-7th RTB RI 94-95
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KW Driver
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Re: Introduction - Connor

Post by KW Driver »

Gunna be an 11X, and eventually an officer, because Rangering ain't for you. Good luck with that. Sincerely.

What makes you think the regular Army is any different from the corporation you work for now, as a Private or an officer? That's rhetorical.
A Co & HHC 3/75 '93-'98.
RS 10-94.

200 meters of green shit next to a river in the desert does not qualify as a "Crescent of Fertility" -me

"The meek shall inherit the earth, one meter wide and two meters long" -Lazarus Long

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