Eating Disorder

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Eating Disorder

Post by Morris0352 »

Quite a few of my friends have been noticing that I rarely eat. For my whole life(up until my senior year) I was overweight, a good 30-40 lbs. overweight, maybe more. At my max I was 220, last June, now I'm down to 180-185. I've worked hard by eating right and working my arse off.

Over last summer when I realized how fat I was(220) I began dieting the Atkins way, I'm sure that you guys have heard of it, lots of meat, no bread, no carbohydrates period. The atkins diet actually surpressed my apetite pretty well and i wasn't even hungry. Well i did it and I'd run everyday and I lost 14 lbs. over the summer. Then football season came around and I had to eat more to keep my strength, so I ate whatever I wanted and stayed abot 205 range.

Then football got over and I started running in the "off-season"(winter). I barely ate and lost weight fast. I would be hungry but I'd eat in the morning if I had time, and when I got home from school/running and dinner. It may have seemed like I wasn't eating but I needed to lose weight. Then track came around and I continued to lose weight and barely ate. When early summer got here I ate and ate and ate, but I continued to run and my weight fluxuated a good 5 lbs. a day(probably water weight). Well now that mid-late summer is here I barely eat ANYTHING. when I wake up I'm not hungry at all, I'll go until about 1-2, sometimes 4-5 at night before eating a real meal. Then I'll eat a small dinner, snack a little later that night, and go to sleep. This is while throwing in several miles a day running, and swimming and making the most of my summer. it's not like i'm just sitting ALL day, I'm active. Some friends of mine will eat food and say "kyle you want some?" and I always say "nah, I'm not hungry" I think that they're starting to worry and they're giving me a hard time, but the truth is I'm NOT hungry and I don't know what to do. When i get through OSUT, Abn, RIP I'm going to need to eat much more food to keep my calorie intake high enough so that I don't die. I don't feel that I have an eating disorder, but then again I know that I'm not eating enough/right.

Anyone have ANY ideas/tips that I should do to force myself to be able to eat more. it's not like I'm a super skinny or fat kid, I'm about average height/weight and I'm active.
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Post by Earthpig »

Well, I'm no Nutrition Expert, but I disagree. If you're burning off too many calories in relation to your stored energy, your body will know it. You will be more easily fatigued, you will cramp up, etc.

Apparently you are healthy, as you are involved in football and track. If you're not hungry, I wouldn't eat. If you're worried about it, take a supplemental vitamin or drink a Slim Fast (220 calories).

As long as you are drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating good food when you do eat, I think you're doing fine. Our culture thinks we have to eat three big meals every day to survive. We don't.

When I was in Ranger Bat, I lived off beef jerky. I disliked those MREs, because they gave me gas and the shits (neither of which seemed very tactical to me). I literally stuffed the map pouch in my ruck with jerky before going to the field. I lived off that, water, and Copenhagen and had no problems.

Again, I don't claim to be any kind of Expert in the field of Nutrition...for all I know, Strider has a Master's Degree in it. But I do know that you're not killing yourself with your current diet.

Today, at 45 yoa, I drink about 4 gallons of water each day, one healthy meal (single portion), and usually a piece of fruit or a Slim Fast during the day as a snack.

I run 5 miles and power walk one mile each morning, do 30 minutes on the exercise bike every other day, and do a 2 mile power walk each night with my wife. My runs average 6 - 61/2 minute miles.

Granted, I'm not carrying a 110 lb. ruck and a 25 lb. weapon and I don't have some kickass Ranger PT schedule. However, if I added a lot of strenuous exercise to my daily program, I would undoubtedly eat more so that my stamina and strength would not decline.

I don't intend for this to be a slam, Strider...just my two cents. No doubt you gave some good info.

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Post by Earthpig »

Strider wrote: Fat has double the energy but to much is bad for you.
Damn! That's why I've got so much energy! :wink:
Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.

Post by Spartan »

EarthPig2/75 wrote:
Strider wrote: Fat has double the energy but to much is bad for you.
Damn! That's why I've got so much energy! :wink:
Yep, and that's also why you're losing weight as rapidly as you are. You've greatly increased your physical activity and your body requires more energy. So, when you don't also feed it enough energy, it burns fat to make fuel(glycogen). And as your body requires more energy to convert fat to glycogen, as compared to converting carbs to glycogen (fuel - look up the Krebs Cycle on the Net if you have an interest in this), you lose cellular fat content even more rapidly than if you had just increased your carb intake to sustain your energy level.

The body will burn all fat stores if you don't provide it with more fuel than your body requires to meet your physical activity needs, then after all the fat is burned, if you are still undersupplying your body with fuel, as those who completed Ranger School can attest (and those who show up overweight to Basic/AIT can also) your body burns muscle tissue for fuel, converting your own muscles into glycogen to meet the demands of your physical requirements. Thus, it is not uncommon for a Ranger School student to lose 15-20% of their total body weight during the course, including virtually all fat stores and some muscle tissue.

That's also why those Merrill's Marauders where so skinny when they showed up at at the airfield in Mytiknia, Burma, after moving close to 1,000 miles over mountainous, jungle combat conditions on the way.
Last edited by Spartan on July 26th, 2003, 9:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Morris0352 »

I'm really scared that I may SLOW down my metabolism and burn muscle off. I'm not going to start a weight lifting regimen with only 17 days to go before I head to basic, but I know that I should be eating differently, I just don't know how.
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Post by RafterMan »

11 meals per day?

Post by Saltbitch »

pneves wrote:

those who completed Ranger School can attest (and those who show up overweight to Basic/AIT can also) your body burns muscle tissue for fuel, converting your own muscles into glycogen to meet the demands of your physical requirements.

There is also a distinct, unmistakable smell that accompanies this process also....sort of a nasty ammonia smell......
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Post by Morris0352 »

Thank you everyone, but I'm not sure that you know what I'm going for strider. I don't want to build all that much muscle I want to drop fat and retain the muscle that I have, basically get more tone. Obviously a change in diet and excercise will help but the food pattern that you're going on is to bulk up, and correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what you DON'T want in order to be a Ranger?? Obviously there are Rangers who are extremely well built but aren't most of them average sized guys and very well toned??
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