Contracted Cadet Intro

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Contracted Cadet Intro

Post by dabeetrus »

Greetings Rangers,

I am 21 years old and currently a contracted MS-III cadet in the Tarheel Battalion (UNC) AROTC. I am majoring in English and expect to keep around a 3.8 gpa so as to improve my chances of getting branched Infantry, as well as because I want to hold myself to a high standard in everything I do. I have the option of completing LDAC this summer, or waiting until next summer since I will be graduating a summer late. I'm probably going to go for the second option since I just joined the program this semester and can use the extra year of training to hopefully get my E at LDAC. I recently scored a 281 on the APFT and hope to increase that to 300 within the next couple months; I only need to increase my run time by about 30 seconds and my Push ups by 8.

I'm here to learn as much as I can in order to become the best Army officer I can be. I've already learned much from lurking around the boards and now that I'm finally contracted I figured I should sign up and post an introduction.

thank you Rangers,

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Post by Bravo57 »

Welcome to

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