Blister Care

Caring for the warriors: How medics contribute to mission accomplishment.

Post by Saltbitch »

Everyone has their own particular remedies; but there's one that was hard to come by, but was a lifesaver if you were doing a movement with missions and no end in site.

It was a spray called tincture of benzoine, I believe. I also recall it being available in a liquid form as well. It was brown, and sticky as hell. You could utilize the spray form to actually adhere your sock to your foot (no slippage). It had a side benefit of turning your skin into a leather 'hoof'. The liquid form I saw only a couple of times. It was actually injected (subcutaneously) into a blister that had either broken or was drained. It basically 'glued' the skin flap closed, while turning the blister/immediate area into a hard area. I never had that many problems with blisters; but I utilized the spray form on those 'neverending missions with follow-ons'.

Also used 100 MPH tape on my heal (just the back). It worked for short periods, as long as you didn't sweat too much or get your feet too wet. When glued on with the tincture of benzoine, you basically had to wear it off. You couldn't wash it off or scrape it off; it just stayed on your feet for weeks.
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Post by Earthpig »

I wore western boots for about ten years before my enlistment. The callouses on my feet were so thick that the RIP Cadre threatened to slice them off. To the best of my knowledge, the only blisters I ever got were not on my feet, but on my hips, lower back, shoulders, and forehead....caused from bug juice dripping into open sores. I don't remember ever getting any foot blisters. Guess I was lucky.
Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.

Post by Spartan »

I usually just drained them and drove on. Bandaids don't stick.
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Post by Steadfast »

When we had a few extra guys and one baseball we had a game of baseball in the rear in RVN. Well I was the catcher and 1 of our opponents came barrelling home and bowled me over. I landed on my back with a scrap the size of a dime as we were playing on gravel. This was the only game we played while I was there. On my next mission my frame of my ruck rubbed this same very spot while we humped the boonies. After 4 days, mission complete the sore developed into a fair size infected injury 4 inches wide. Medic put me on 5 days profile and medicine. Healed nicely and went back in field without further trouble. I guess it is best not to let a problem grow and be further trouble. Let the Medic decide. 8)

4/325 82d DIV 68-69
2nd Bde HHC (LRRP), 4 ID
K Co (Rgr), 75th Inf (Abn), 4 ID
I cooked with C- 4

Post by Rgr_MindRiot »

Some guys had some real problems with blisters but guess i was lucky. Those that i did get were usually during 25 mile RM with wet boots.....just drove on as they would go numb after awhile and there was really nothing you could do at that point.
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Post by Looon »

The only blisters that I can speak of were from myself being a dumb pvt.
I went to Panama City beach, Fl. with a couple of friends. I decided to get some sun, but it was too much. as you other Battmen know, you dont really get a good tan while in. Anyway, when I woke up the next day, I was sunburned really bad on the top of my shoulders.

When I got back to the barracks, I was informed that we had 3 days of fun scheduled in the swamps of Ft. Benning. :shock:

My ruck straps rubbed the top layers of my skin off. It was a nightmare for me those 3 days.

I didnt let anyone know I was in such pain, because a sunburne to that degree can get you an article 15. I also probably would have been smoked by the tabs that be, more than all of cigars in George Burns life. :cry:
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Post by Steadfast »

Hey Doc,

What about Plantar Warts. I got them on the balls of my feet during AIT. We had one of those marches up to bivouvac. Must have 10 miles or so with gear back then. Painful suckers. I don't remember if the medic or Doc shaved it down with a scapel. I got about 3 of those Plantar Warts. I never got 'em in RVN, just during training. Its similar to a blister.

4/325 82d DIV 68-69
2nd Bde HHC (LRRP), 4 ID
K Co (Rgr), 75th Inf (Abn), 4 ID
I cooked with C- 4

Post by Spartan »

I think Doc was just properly expending his opportunity to use the phrase 'cellular death'. Sounds so much cooler than 'shaving'. :)
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Post by Earthpig »

Leatherneck wrote:I got vaginal warts in boot camp, and just shaved them with an extra disposable razor every few days. No prob after that.
Geez LN, we didn't really need to know that!
Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.
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