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Post by BeerForMe »

Finally got an MOS and a Shipdate. I leave Feb 5 2004. I took 63d (howitzer mechanic..i like working on things and it left in 12 days)

I couldnt get airborne for any MOS..he said that i couldnt get combat engineer with i told him give me anything w. airborne..he said that there are no slots at bac for any mos..its full... Ill try and 4187 my way into ABN..maybe itll work and if not im do to re up in 3 years..i can survive that long...

Thanks for all the advice and info posted on the board. As i wont be around much longer..i have alot of things to get in order before i ship

Post by Spartan »

Damn - Kudos to your MEPs MOS counselor. He should really be in a different career field as he is far too skilled a salesman when it comes to closing the deal for his present occupation. His superior skills in selling someone what they don't want and don't need are obviously being wasted in a rather low-paying endeavor.

Did you have a big target on your forehead that read 'I'd like to throw away three years of my life' painted on it?

Newts: This is an excellent example of what NOT to do when you go to MEPs or join the Army if you'd like to be a Ranger.

Post by BeerForMe »

I thought about being a Ranger..but i decided a while back that being a ranger was not for me..therefore i did not try for option 40. I am satisfied with what i have.
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