Workout Plan

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Nate The Great

Workout Plan

Post by Nate The Great »

After reading several posts, I thought I would compile a week workout schedule for myself. If you haven’t already read my Introduction I’m 15, sophomore in High school, participate in Football. I’m about 6’0+, 155lbs. My max out for squat is 285lbs, Bench 180; my best time for the mile was 6:34. I am also, after football going to be doing some speed training to condition for next year.

Is This Workout good for someone like myself? My mother, a nurse, told me that too much protein, the nitrogen in it, is not very healthy for my body. Do I have enough, too much, too little? Any Suggestions for my workout plan would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You Rangers

*My work out was original in Word 2000; but since it doesn’t look like I can attach files, I just took a screenshot
*Anyone know where I could buy energy drinks, shakes, Red bull, etc in bulk, I could save a lot of money this way. Thanks

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Post by SRR2R »


First you need to post an introduction, and read the FAQ's. Those are the rules of the site, and will save you a lot of smoke. Good luck.

Most exercise/body-building literature suggests that you consume 1.5-2.0 grams of protein per pound body weight. For me, that's a shit load of protein. In addition, most agree on one of the following, A.) you can only absorb 40g at a time, or B.) you can only absorb 70g every two hours. Either way, I would practically need an IV drip of protein just to keep up.

That being said, I was recently talking to a physician who specializes in diet and nutrition, and asked him if he had an opinion on protein intake for an individual looking to increase strength and muscle mass. He recommended ~80g per day, and just of scowled and disagreed when I mentioned the the idea of 1.5-2.0 per pound.

Keep in mind that in order to reach short term performance goals, long term health may be compromised. When I played ball, we did squats, squats, and more squats. It gave us the lower body strength we needed to perform on Friday nights, but the health of our backs was compromised or risked to an extent. One friend's father is an osteopathic doctor who also held weight lifting records in his teens years, but told my friend he would make him quit if he ever saw him doing squats. A diet that gives you greatest physical performance may not be the best on your liver, or other parts of your body. Point being, you cannot easily reconcile long term health of your body with the level of performance you want to achieve. Sometimes you gotta weigh benifits and risk.
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Nate The Great

Post by Nate The Great »

first you need to post an introduction
I allready have one :D. (I kinda allready got smoked on my first post)

Wheres the Cream Fillin??? I really don't know....
Hey my beer is the Red Bull :D
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Post by Earthpig »

I'm no fitness guru and I lost my 'six pack abs' years ago, but I'd venture to say you're not eating enough, based on your chart. If you were 300 pounds, that diet might be good, but at your weight and your age, with the exercise plan you have posted, it doesn't look to me like your caloric intake is sufficient. I would say you'd be better off eating 4-5 small meals throughout the day, rather than an energy bar for breakfast and lunch, with your only meal being at supper.

Also, your mile time needs to get much better, IMO. You've got several years to prepare, however, so keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll get there.

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Post by NateTheGreat »

Yeah, sorry I forgot to post my school lunch that I'm eating.
-Lunch for School: (My school has very shitty meals, I mean pizza every day is not good)
*Cold Wrap*
-Cheese American and Swiss
-Tortilla Wrap Thing
*Cheese Hamburger*
*Granola Bar*
Any Suggestions on what to do for lunch would be big help. Packing a lunch is not an option; I might be able to do a sandwich or small items though.

-This is what I will probably eat everyday for lunch on top of the energy and protein bars.
-I don’t think that I can get 4-5 small meals during my school day. I can defiantly do that during the weekend though!

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Post by vampire03 »

Take a meal replacement shake, Optimum Nutrition has a good one.
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Post by deleon275 »

All of that looks easy to type, but is much harder to follow. Energy bars and protein bars can get really costly and taste like utter shit imo.
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Post by NateTheGreat »

Hell yeah deleon275, I’m into my first week so far and I have to say, the workout plan is easier to follow then actually shoving that concentrated shit down your throat, especially in the morning, I swear I have to chew an entire pack of gum to get that stench out of my mouth, and not scare all the pretty young ladies away.

After talking to a couple of physical trainers and my weight lifting coach (One giant piece of muscle) I’ve cut down on the protein bars and shakes. I’ll post my updated plan as soon as possible.

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Post by Dublo »

NateTheGreat wrote:Hell yeah deleon275, I’m into my first week so far and I have to say, the workout plan is easier to follow then actually shoving that concentrated shit down your throat, especially in the morning, I swear I have to chew an entire pack of gum to get that stench out of my mouth, and not scare all the pretty young ladies away.

After talking to a couple of physical trainers and my weight lifting coach (One giant piece of muscle) I’ve cut down on the protein bars and shakes. I’ll post my updated plan as soon as possible.

Hey Kid, you need to address my Ranger brother as Ranger while you are on this site. Comprende?????
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Post by Bugsy »


I like to mix two cans of vanilla ensure 8.8 gm's of potein put it in a blender with a packet of vanilla cream Myoplex nutrition shake 42 gm's (, one scoop of orange flavored Cell-Tech and two bananas, 4-5 cubes of ice and blend it "after" every workout.

During Lunch Eat "Bread" (Whole Grain Wheat) make yourself a tuna sandwich (plenty of protein), chicken (lean) and turkey (lay off the chips and soda pop) juice is fine. In terms of your weight training program, alternate and go light (with many rep's preperably 20, 4 sets each of each upper body exercise) and then 2 days later focus on heavy weight 3-5 reps (remember not to strain yourself and always stretch before lifting or doing any exercise), this approach will help you build muscle and endurance. With regard to pushups, alternate between the normal front lean and rest stance, and "elevated" (find a normal sized chair, put your feet on top of it and knock'em out).

Also throw in some sports, (swimming is good), but basketball, softball, football (if you're not already on the team), backpacking/hiking . That will develop your coordination and develop muscles that you don't normally use during a workout. Remember you want to have a little fun in your exercise routine otherwise you stand the chance of getting bored and then you "may" slack off, which defeats the purpose. At 15 you've got plenty of time, overall its a good plan.

Last but not least, I noticed that you didn't include veggies with every meal at supper. Its important to eat a "balanced" diet that also consists of vegetables "fresh brocoli, carrots, green beans, peas, salad, squash, califlower, cabbage, & collard greens (lol), etc". Try to stay away from the frozen stuff, with the exception of spinach (I prefer chopped spinach cause I almost choked to death on the leafy kind.... more than once). Stay away from the instant rice, or instant anything. Eat REAL FOOD, real potatoes, whole grain rice real rice (only takes 20 min's to make), fresh veggies, juice/milk. Canned veggies are ok as well BTW. Just stay away from the TV dinners and any crap like that.

Good luck young man.
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Post by NateTheGreat »

Ranger Deleon275, My apologizes for not addressing you as a Ranger.

Ranger BeadleBug, sounds great I think ill make two workout plans one for the light workout you suggested and another one for the heavier plan. Right now I’m using the Mus-L-Blast Powder (, Ill add that EAS Mytoplex into my shake as well as the bananas. “Collard greensâ€
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Post by vampire03 »

As for a great workout plan find a good MMA workout that use's a lot of BWE's. I've been doing that fo the last couple of months and I've improved in everything to include my run times. I contribute that to the jump rope routine that alot of those workouts call for , but I still do my required road work. You can still do weight training w/ these workouts but it's more O.L./CORE training. Which IMO is way more suited for a military type training Than isolated training. I can't recall laying down and having to pick my pack up over my chest.

As for eating 5-6 small meals a day is the way to go. And it's hard to go wrong with a good protein shake and bar. But I do agree that you need your regular food that's filled with the right combo of things. This is of course just how I've been doing it. I can honestly say it works cause 6.5 mos. ago I was 240 w/ 27% B.F. at 5'9". And today I'm 188 w/ 16%. Not exactly where I'd like to be w/ the B.F. but it's regularly coming off. And with the workouts that I do I'm retaining alot of my muscle.

I should say that my protein bar is the Snickers Marathon, and it is by far the best tasting and most filling one I've had to date. And the ON powder is great tasting and if you're watching your carb intake it only has 2gr. per serv.. Just thought ya'll like to know.
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