SledgeHammer SITREP (RANGER)

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SledgeHammer SITREP (RANGER)

Post by McD »

I have typed up the Hammers letter in its entirety. He asked for some ideas on getting his push-up and sit-up nubers up. Please post your suggestions. I want to give him some options to work with. Help me out here guys. I will send all of them to him ASAP and the authors name in case your suggestion works or doesn't! :wink:

I liked his concern about trining in basic and the 75th RR! :D

Ranger McD,
I’m nearing the end of week 9, and so far its been a great week. We have done MOUT the past 3 days and I absolutely love it! It blows everything out of the water, however I don’t think we are getting adequate training, seeing how the possibility of getting deployed immediately after training is very high. For example, today we had to infiltrate a room and I was the team leader, in the #1 position. We breached the door and I haul ass into the room and take my corners and engage my targets. After all is said and done, I noticed I didn’t see my team, they had all followed me along the wall. There ended up being an enemy hidden from my point of view that was supposed to be covered by the #2 and #4 man. The sucky part was that I had gone over the roles of each man in the stack to make sure they knew exactly what they were doing. I was extremely disappointed with how it turned out, knowing if it had been a real situation we would probably be dead. But I guess you take what you can out of it and just make sure it doesn’t happen again. Sadly, we only got to do it once, then we had to sit and watch the rest of the company do it, which brings me to a question. How is training done when you get to your unit (more specifically the 75th RR)? Do you go out with your squad or company? I know I’m still in basic and the training is supposed to be slow, but it is almost tortuous. If we trained from wake up to lights out like we should, training should last no more than 7-8 weeks, not this drawn out 14.
I’ve done a good job staying away from the shit bags, but it’s not easy! Ha Ha
As for my shoulder, it is pretty much 100%. I hardly notice it any more. I’m rather embarrassed of my PT, because after 9 weeks I have made very little improvement. My PU’s are hovering around the mid to upper 40’s and my SU’s are in the 59-60 area. I have maxed my run however. I can’t seem to improve my PT. I’ve tried almost everything I can think of. Burnouts of PU’s and SU’s every night, or switching them up every other day. I’ve done timed sets, pyramids, and then just regular sets of them. All to little or no avail. If you have the time, could you possible come up with a work out routine or something I could due through the week. I’m getting desperate and frustrated, but I’m still extremely motivated, so for now that’s seemingly all I have going for me. I will do what ever it takes. What ever it takes I’m game for it.
Well, I’m going to go do pushup’s like your envelope said, thank you for all your help.

Sledge Hammer!
C 2/75, 1st Plt, Wpns Sqd 76-79
RS 3-78
Mattoon's Goons

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Post by Earthpig »

Dude, when you get to Battalion, you'll train and train and train and train with your squad. You guys will be true Brothers. Hell, you'll slay 'hogs' together.

You can get "killed" in training and learn from it. That's what you need to do. Don't dwell on it....learn from it. I think you already see that. That's why they call it practice.

It will get much, much better when you get to a Ranger unit. And, guess'll fuck up there, too. The difference is this. When you fuck up in your training at Ranger Bat, you'll get smoked so long and so hard, that you'll NEVER fuck it up again. By "you" I mean the guys in your team, who didn't perform right.

I already gave you my best advise on pushups/situps in my letter. I dodn't know what else to add. Sorry. Keep driving on!


PS: Thanks for the SITREP, McD.
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Post by Invictus »


I also found "21 down" to be a good way to improve someone's pushups. He can easily monitor his progress by how far he gets each time before having to go to his knees.

Once he does them all without going to his knees, he should easily pass a PT test.

Once he can do "21 Down" doing diamond push-ups, he should be able to max his PT test 8)
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