Introduction- Prior Service thinking of re-enlisting

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Introduction- Prior Service thinking of re-enlisting

Post by SPCVan »

Good evening, Rangers and assorted others!

My name is Mike, and I am a 30 yr old veteran of the Army. I joined in '97 on a DEP program for the reserves as a 91B (later 91W). I did my Basic at Ft. Benning, where they dragged my happy ass up and down Sand Hill for 3 "Zero Weeks" plus Basic, then I shipped off to Ft. Sam Houston for medic school. After 9-11 my unit and I were activated, re-trained as MPs, and stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, NV, to help the Air Force guard their own goddam base. After two years of that, I spent one more year in the reserves before leaving to finish my schooling, see to dead/dying relatives and other family emergencies, and to help manage my family's business. Fast-forward to present day- I am a week from graduation with a Bachelor's in History and am contemplating my options.

Grad school doesn't seem like a fit for me, and there simply isn't much in the way of a career for a history major short of the PhD level. Given the current state of affairs, coupled with my own personal situation, the call to serve once more is stronger than ever. I feel that I would excel at OCS if I chose to go the route of the officer, but what I really loved to do was serve as a line medic and thus I feel the pull towards an enlistment contract more than seeking a commission. After reading through this site for a bit, I feel that an enlistment contract for 68W would suit me right down to the ground.

I was drawn to this community as it is one of the more active communities that I have found with regard to past/present soldiers. Despite the fact that I have been civilian-side for about 6 years now, I have always looked to my experiences in the Army as inspirational, both as a guideline to dealing with adversity in my life and as a basis with which to offer advice to others; I often tell people that one of the greatest gifts the Army ever gave me was the gift of patience. I am curious as to what the state of affairs is for those presently in the service to our nation. While I know that some things never change (don't volunteer for ANYTHING!), there is likely to be quite a bit more that would seem alien to me should I answer the call and re-enlist. Any insights or perspective-based anecdotes would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, without speaking to a recruiter yet, I was also interested to know if being a 30 yr old prior service member would actually be prohibitive for me as far as certain avenues of opportunity go. I'm already working on shedding my polar bear skin from the winter and getting back into shape (difficult, as my sweetie keeps baking me brownies and cupcakes), but I expect that simply being in shape isn't enough to clear some of the hurdles which may have sprung up in my absence.

Thank you again for any and all help you can throw down-range for me. Beyond that simple gratitude, thank you--from the bottom of my being--for your service to our nation and for all who have answered the call and made sacrifices to elevate us as Americans.

-SPC Mike
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Re: Introduction- Prior Service thinking of re-enlisting

Post by al_2ndWolfhounds »

Welcome, thank you for your service.

Active service 01/67-12/73
Ranger Class 10-68
2/27 Inf 25th Inf Div Vietnam 01/69-01/70

"In America, anybody can be president. That's one of the risks you take." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
“The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.” – Joseph Heller, Catch-22
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Re: Introduction- Prior Service thinking of re-enlisting

Post by Steadfast »

Welcome here & good luck with your future endeavors.

I don't think anyone can agree with your statement,
(don't volunteer for ANYTHING!),
When it is our motto, Sua Sponte - "of our own accord" - we volunteer for everything.

4/325 82d DIV 68-69
2nd Bde HHC (LRRP), 4 ID
K Co (Rgr), 75th Inf (Abn), 4 ID
I cooked with C- 4

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