SITREP - MindMelter (11X)

Questions and Answers about obtaining an Option 40 Contract and other routes to serving as a Ranger in the US Army.
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SITREP - MindMelter (11X)

Post by MindMelter »

Greetings Rangers,

I'm here this time with good news and bad news. I had an 11X/Option 40 slot reserved when I went to MEPS this morning. The bad news is I was not able to get the contract. On my last trip to MEPS I had a permanent disqualification because of my vision. I was granted a waiver earlier this week but the medical DQ keeps me from obtaining an Airborne physical. No physical = no Option 40. I asked the MEPS liaison and called my recruiter to find out if there was anyway around this, but I was told that nothing could be done and no exception could be made.

This was the second time I had a slot reserved so I wouldn't be able to get another one. But even if I could, I was told there was no way I could get the Airborne physical at any MEPS station, period. So I decided to go ahead and enlist as an 11X to train at Fort Benning. I was told that the medical DQ and waiver would not impede me in my attempts to get into Jump School and RASP after I am already IN the Army. From what I understand, I have until I ship out to get myself into top physical and mental shape before BCT. There, if I want a Ranger slot I have to perform at the top of my company and show some real initiative.

I am disappointed that I was not able to get the Option 40, but honestly, the more setbacks I have, the more I want to achieve my goal and become a Ranger. I am proud and honored to have sworn in as a DEP is the U.S. Army and will do my very best to continue on my path and never quit.

Any advice or info that you all might have is welcomed and much appreciated. Thank you, Rangers, for this site and for sharing your time and knowledge.
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Re: SITREP - MindMelter (11X)

Post by hit_it »

Sucks for you and I still don't know why med waiver don't get any options like 4 or 40.

It is true that it doesn't matter once you are in training, but it's a little less likely someone will come around handing out option 40's. You will most definately be offered ABN though, so make sure you are the stud of your platoon in case both of them come around.
MSG Hit_it

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Re: SITREP - MindMelter (11X)

Post by MindMelter »

MSG hit_it,

Thank you for your honesty and encouragement. I will do everything I can to make sure I am at my very best for OSUT.
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Re: SITREP - MindMelter (11X)

Post by antmcg79 »

hit_it wrote:Sucks for you and I still don't know why med waiver don't get any options like 4 or 40.

It is true that it doesn't matter once you are in training, but it's a little less likely someone will come around handing out option 40's. You will most definately be offered ABN though, so make sure you are the stud of your platoon in case both of them come around.
X2 -- Fairly certain you will get a chance at an ABN slot after basic, then its just a short run down the road from 507th to RASP!

Bit of advice: do some gdamn pushups! I've never heard anything but bad stories of how hard they grade them (@75th), and that the attrition rate just from RPFT is similar to School. I never went through RIP (as it was called back in the day), so I can't be for certain.

Bottom line: become a beast!
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Re: SITREP - MindMelter (11X)

Post by MindMelter »

Roger that, Ranger antmcg79.
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