Update: One target down

Questions and Answers about obtaining an Option 40 Contract and other routes to serving as a Ranger in the US Army.
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Re: Update: One target down

Post by goon175 »

Yeah, she wasn't being malicious. The actual max time in DEP is 14 months, but that doesnt mean you can take all that time. There are current search dates for grads and for seniors, and recruiters have to keep there searches within those dates unless there is a specific reason (graduating schoo, having a baby, etc.). We just pulled an 11x opt. 40 for a grad today, and he leaves in september. But, on average, the wait time has been around 3-4 months for grads. My reccomendation to you would be if you don't want to leave for another year, then wait another 6 months before starting the process.
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