A question for DEPs

No Snivel Zone. PT - Pushups, Flutterkicks, Running, Roadmarching.
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A question for DEPs

Post by PolskiHUJ »

How do you guys PT? Do you just max out on every set or do you try and space it out all during the day so u get more reps in? What do u think works better. I usually work out in the morining and at night, only run at night because its 105+ here in AZ sometimes 115. Also what do u guys do to improve your long distance running speed? Thanks
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Post by SRR2R »

I'm no DEP but PT has been discussed here extensively. Try these:
and the best one,

And don't forget,
Ranger H8 Train wrote:Make sure you don't overtrain. Your body will need rest. Also you need to puch yourself.
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Post by PolskiHUJ »

Thanks, those help.
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Post by Bugsy »

think of PT at RIP like a tag team show, lol
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Post by NateTheGreat »

And here's something else that is pretty damn motivational...When your running and you feel like quitting, just think "How much would the Rangers here rip my ass if they knew I wanted to quit" and then thing "Rangers Drive On" and you'll find the energy to run a little further.
My motivation is: If I quit now, I'm going to quit when I get into RIP, so don't I don’t get into the habit of quitting.

When I do my workout (Workout Plan Post) and bust my ass, and wake up the next day with sore muscles then I know I've done a good job, the sorer the better.
*As I have heard its best to skip one day for your body to rest, you can work out every day but alternate between upper body, lower body, etc
No sit-ups because I can do them all day long (no seriously, if you say please I’ll post a picture of my abs)...
Hehe *Please* I know what you mean. Here is a good way to do sit-ups:

If you go to your local/school weight room there should be a machine/tool that you use to do gluts. Take a 10lbs weight or more and arrange your self on the machine so that your butt is were your knees are supposed to be when doing gluts, your feet are at the same place but pointing up. You are basically sitting on the machine with your butt on the seat and your feet locket at the footrest.
I know it’s going to feel like the machine is going to tip and your going to fall backward but its safe and works. Now do your sit ups and go all the way down; its going to help your back as well as your lower abs (the only way I know how to work the abs near your rib cage and a little lower is through crunches...) I promise you will start to feel a burn after doing some of these, after about 2 months of them (or a least for me) you will have to bump up the weight or you will be doing 200 of them and it gets real boring. They also do your leg muscles; the same general area as flutter kicks.
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