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Gravity Man
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Post by Gravity Man »

Ranger Odin's Underling,

I PMed my response to you before I left for work today and then you replied, telling me to post upon my return. I was following the instructions that you personally gave me.
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My adapted DEP is now DEAD!

Post by Earthpig »

Hopps fucked up. He did not complete the mission under the guidelines which were handed down. He owes me some flutterkicks.

There was some confusion about the wording of the last set of instructions, "Post your stanzas....." This is where you other DEPs/ Newts failed. I submit the following quotes, taken directly from your own essays:
stilwell475 wrote:Rangers always look out for each other because of the brother-like bond during training and operations.
Deep End wrote:Helping others has always been something I have enjoyed doing. I feel that failing a comrade would be much more devastating than failing myself.
Ray80 wrote:When it comes to "Never failing a comrade," I have yet to know what that means in the military, but it is the greatest attitude of unselfishness, which I hope to emulate......Hopps lived the Creed just by giving me the heads up on it.
MPC must entrust your life to the men you serve alongside, just as they entrust their lives to you. They trust you not to fail, should you fail them in combat the end result could be their death.
Collegepuke wrote:This is my favorite stanza because it demands that every Ranger be accountable to his fellow soldiers.
Locutuspic wrote:This stanza of the Creed reminds me that that is what Rangers stand for. Getting the job done and never letting down their friends.
Gravis856 wrote:In a world of buddy fuckers, the thought that there is a group of people who you can not only trust with your life but even the lives of your family is such a euphoric feeling.
Apollo wrote:Never screwing your buddy and keeping yourself mentally, physically, and morally sharp is something that some Americans these days neglect.
If the rest of you knew that Hopps was fucked up, it was your duty as his Brother, to square him away. If this had been a combat mission, one of you would now be tasked with getting word to me that my adapted DEP was dead! Trust me, you don't ever want that detail.
Lots of lessons learned on this mission. Good assignment, Ranger Odin's Underling.

Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.
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Post by Nathan »

I apologize for being late Ranger Odin's Underling. But as you know from my PM I had to work. Here is the assignment.

"Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier."

This is my favorite stanza of the Ranger Creed. It represents why I decided that I would try out for Rangers. If I am going to fight for my country, I am going to do it with the best. Rangers set the standard, and then exceed it. They are my complete goal in life. And though some things may get in my way. I will try my best to "move further, faster, and fight harder, than any other soldier."
When I am doing anything in my current life, I use the Ranger Creed as a guidline. It can be used in any part, of anyones life. I would be dissapointed in myself if I failed to use the Ranger Creed as my standard in life. I will be the best that I can be, and then push myself beyond the limits. Because everyone wants to be the best, but only few can be it.
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Post by Blacksrt4 »

I know this is extremely late and completley unexeptable, I will not bore you with usless excuses. So here it is...

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

I choose the fourth stanza because to me it shows what all Rangers are and should be. A Ranger always shows that he is specially selected and trained because a Ranger always has a successful mission. A Ranger always shows respect to his superior officers and follows every order with out second thought. A Ranger is always dressed in outstanding manner. A Ranger also always cares for his equipment because it could save his life one day when called to duty. And last but not least a Ranger always is a leader and sets an example for others to follow because well, "RANGERS LEAD THE WAY" and Rangers say that for a reason.

Once again I am sorry for this being so late, and no excuses are needed (unless asked). I am willing to do whatever you Rangers will dish out to me for being so late (if you choose to).
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Post by blankenship »

This is late. But with the family emergency that came up, I had to attened to that matter first.

"Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep my self mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be. One-hundred -percent and then some."

I chose this stanza because to me it represents responsibility. Never failing your comrades. That is very reassuring to know that some one will be by your side when help is needed. It is also up to you to give your best and not let your team down, by half-assing or quitting.
Keeping your self mentally alert and physically strong. Not being mentally alert and physically strong can lead to a life and death situation. Those two qualities not only help yourself but they help the whole team and save lives.
Keeping your self morally straight. That is very important. Corruption can dishonor your family, your military, and most of all your country.
Shouldering more than your share of the task. That is the back bone of responsibility. helping others when they need it the most.
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Favorite Stanza

Post by daveoskie »

Ranger Odin's Underling, excuse the lateness of this post, I received my PM tonight and am just now reading the thread for the first time.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

This stanza of the Ranger creed summarizes everything that a United States Army Airborne Ranger is. A Ranger is a warrior, seeking justice for his country and brothers in arms. Every Ranger is a leader among an organization full of leadership. Rangers know their enemy, and will fight when told to fight, they will stop when told to stop, and they will do what is asked of them by their unit, the Army, or the commander in chief. They do not question leadership abilities of others, or over examine political situations or differences. They are here servants of the United States, and the people within. I feel that this stanza emphasizes what it is to be an Army Ranger, one who appears fearless, and will do anything for their fellow warrior in battle.
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Post by Neutron »

Ranger Odin's Underling, I just recieved my PM, So I'm taking a break from my Senior Thesis to complete the assignment.

"Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country."

I think this stanza exemplifies the training, demeanor, and courage that every Ranger in the 75th possesses. It shows that Rangers are willing and able to bring the fight to the enemy, no matter when or where, or how strong they might be. "Surrender is not a Ranger word." I believe that statement means something two fold. Firstly, it shows the Rangers will always fight on to complete the objective, no matter what lies ahead. Secondly, I believe it means that Rangers would never let themselves slip into a situation so bad as to have to surrender, they would manuever and fight until they crushed any opposition that had a chance to surround and contain the Rangers and force them to surrender. The last part of the stanza I've chosen show's the courage that Rangers embody to keep their brothers from falling into enemy hands. It is always an objective, no matter what the consequences. It also says "and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country" which is not only a property of a Ranger, it's just the Ranger way. Life in the Regiment embodies this, mistakes that might not be a big deal in the conventional Army would get you kicked from the Regiment, no questions asked.

These reasons are what make the Rangers a cut above the rest. Unlimited budgets, better weapons, higher technology won't work without highly motivated, specially trained, intelligent people who are morally straight and virtuous running them.
"Just know who you ARE and drive the fuck on!" - Ranger Steadfast

Life is nothing more than a ladder, climb it better, higher, faster.

Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Never quit, and permanently destroy the little part of your mind that says...."I can't." - Ranger BadMuther
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Brat Attack
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Post by Brat Attack »

If I can get the DEPs that have been assigned this assignment that got PM's from myself, Hopps and MPC, to repost their stanza's and essay's in the new thread that Ranger Odin's Underling has created for you. Thank you.
C Co. Hardrock 1/75
And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
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