Did any Rangers at all jump into Normandy?

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Did any Rangers at all jump into Normandy?

Post by MattyBee »

Hello! I'm jumping into Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day this year, and I was searching to see if any Rangers jumped in. We all know about Point Du Hoc, but I was hoping there would be a person who knows if any Rangers could have jumped. I've searched around a little and haven't found much other than that, but I'm hoping someone out there may be able to provide some arcane knowledge if there were any other 1's or 2's that may have done so.
I was only V qualified, I never had (or rather earned) the honor of serving in regiment, but I thought if even one ranger had made a jump there it would be amazing to learn about them and set my ww2 kit up like theirs instead of the E Co 506th of the 101st like everyone and their uncle is doing (not that they aren't amazing).
Thanks and RLTW!
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