Combat jumps since 9/11

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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by Silverback »

rgrokelley wrote:
Silverback wrote:I just re-read the Echo 51st guy's post...His team "Opted NOT to jump in due to the high risk", I guess they were pussies!
Who would ever opt out of a combat jump because of high risk? :shock: That has got to be a new one. Every single one is high risk. Going into Grenada we rigged inflight to jump. We took off our chutes 15 minutes before the plane landed. Ours was the first plane to air land. On the way we were told that the SEALs were surrounded and we had to jump in and rescue them. We were told the Rangers had jumped in before us and suffered heavy casualties and the airfield was surrounded by anti-aircraft guns. We were told to expect 30% casualties. All of this as we rode that plane to the drop zone.

Now we know that it was not that bad, however EVERY combat jump is high risk. If it wasn't... it wouldn't be known as a "combat" jump. Uhm... duh! :roll:
It took me seven hours to make it to the assembly thigh deep mud (no exaggeration).
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by SpongeBob »

K.Ingraham wrote: I recently read, I'm pretty sure it was in Army Times, an article describing an SF MFF mission since '06 in Iraq. Very detailed.
The ODA concerned had trained up for it pre-deployment and watched for a mission where they could apply the skills and jumped on it when the opportunity arose. (pun intended). about it and Pm'd you the was 10th group near Sinjar...believe it was 2007.

interwebs wrote:08-30-2008, 13:00
Military Free Fall team makes own history

By ODA 074 Team Members and Capt. Karla S. Owen, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Public Affairs

FORT CARSON, Colo. (Sine Pari, Aug. 22, 2008) - It was the early morning hours of May 30, 2007, as the 11-man Special Forces team crept silently through their target’s village. They had achieved total surprise after conducting the first ever combat standoff military freefall insertion of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Every person in the village was sound asleep.

The team, Operational Detachment – Alpha 074, Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), jumped into the Ninewah Province, north of the Iraqi Sinjar Mountain, with the intent to capture a suspected terrorist with ties to trafficking counterfeit U.S. currency. They also had plans to disrupt a criminal network supporting the movement and funding of foreign fighters, weapons and equipment funneled into Iraq.

The mission was designed to take the enemy completely by surprise, which is exactly what it did, said Master Sgt. John D. Addlemen, the ODA 074 team sergeant.

Even in the early planning stages, Addlemen and his team had a large obstacle to overcome. The suspected terrorists his team was after had implemented a robust early warning network, taking advantage of their remote location, and thus giving them the ability to escape or destroy evidence within minutes. The root of the problem was penetrating that network.

The proposed solution was a stealthy infiltration which would deny the enemies the opportunity to escape or tamper with evidence. This prompted the team’s leadership to regard military freefall, or MFF, as the best option in overcoming the early warning system. A joint U.S.-Iraqi quick reaction force would provide ground assault support for the jump team.

Link: ... 22-01.html
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by mortar_guy78 »

Silverback wrote:
rgrokelley wrote:
Silverback wrote:I just re-read the Echo 51st guy's post...His team "Opted NOT to jump in due to the high risk", I guess they were pussies!
Who would ever opt out of a combat jump because of high risk? :shock: That has got to be a new one. Every single one is high risk. Going into Grenada we rigged inflight to jump. We took off our chutes 15 minutes before the plane landed. Ours was the first plane to air land. On the way we were told that the SEALs were surrounded and we had to jump in and rescue them. We were told the Rangers had jumped in before us and suffered heavy casualties and the airfield was surrounded by anti-aircraft guns. We were told to expect 30% casualties. All of this as we rode that plane to the drop zone.

Now we know that it was not that bad, however EVERY combat jump is high risk. If it wasn't... it wouldn't be known as a "combat" jump. Uhm... duh! :roll:
It took me seven hours to make it to the assembly thigh deep mud (no exaggeration).
Fuck that goddam mud. My AG showed up after daybreak looking like the Swamp Thing. It took forever to clean his fucking SAW.
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by K.Ingraham »

SpongeBob wrote:
K.Ingraham wrote: I recently read, I'm pretty sure it was in Army Times, an article describing an SF MFF mission since '06 in Iraq. Very detailed. about it and Pm'd you the was 10th group near Sinjar...believe it was 2007.
Thanks SB." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by Dreadnought »

I've seen an extremely small element (guess who) do an MFF mission within the last couple of years. Watched it on the eye in the sky
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by Jim »

This thread is super! it needs to be BUMPTED!
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by fatboy »

Resurrecting the dead here, but this seems to be the thread to ask it in- lets say you were a non qualified jumper (MFF type) but you were mission essential personnel for an operation for some unit and made a jump under combat conditions while attached to someone else. Do you get a mustard stain (and wings) for that?

Is there any precedent one way or another? I seem to recall hearing rumors of a unit jumping in an enabler once upon a time but there is not much out there that I found in regards to this scenario.
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by Disinfertention »

I wouldn't think so but nothing is impossible. If you have a specific example beyond what you posted feel free to PM me about it.
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Re: Combat jumps since 9/11

Post by fatboy »

Disinfertention wrote: December 16th, 2017, 5:54 pm I wouldn't think so but nothing is impossible. If you have a specific example beyond what you posted feel free to PM me about it.
Thanks, PM on the way.
RS 07 and 08-01 (I took the long tour in Florida)

1-508 ABCT
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Iraqi Freedom 03-04, 05-06, 07-08
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