Intro Jcerva

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Joined: May 3rd, 2011, 10:44 pm

Intro Jcerva

Post by jcerva »

Hello I came across this site as I was looking for information about Army Rangers. Its great that I could find such a wealth of knowledge on one site. I have served in the Navy and the Natl Guard in the past. I have been living overseas as a contractor since 2001. I plan on coming home some time next year. As I was thinking about what I would like to do once I got back I felt the urge to get back in uniform as a reservist. I was inspired by the young men I have come across in Afghanistan and decided to give some serious thought as to which branch I would offer me the most opprotunity. I was looking for a challenge and not just a paycheck for drilling on weekends. I was worried becasue of my age (over 30) that I wouldn't be able to find anything physically/mentally challenging and I was right. The Navy and Airforce don't offer anything in my age range. Fortunately I saw the Army does not have an age limit to become a Ranger the only limit was your ability. I have worked with Rangers, SF and SF from different countries and I was always struck by their professionalism and demeanor. I deceided that being a ranger would be the goal I would strive. I found a unit within the Fla NG so for now its just a matter of preparing myself for the challenges ahead and actually making it back to the US. Thank you for allowing me to join your forum.
US Navy 1994-2000
19D NJ Nat'l Guard 2000
Contracting since 2001

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