SITREP - MindMelter

Questions and Answers about obtaining an Option 40 Contract and other routes to serving as a Ranger in the US Army.
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SITREP - MindMelter

Post by MindMelter »

Greetings Rangers,

I just got back from my first trip to MEPS. I had already taken the ASVAB and everything for my physical went fine except for the vision test. They found my vision to be correctable to 20/20 but said they wanted an outside consult. I wasn't told until 1230 that they don't send anyone out for consults until after 1100. So I am put on hold until I can go back up to MEPS again next week. The major downside is I lose my 68W reservation (had planned on negotiating for Option 4 & 40 with the liaison). However the six hours I spent waiting for the shuttle back home has strengthened my resolve. I thought long and hard about what I really want and I now know I can accept nothing less than a contract with the 4 & 40 Options. My goal for next week is to obtain a contract for 68W w/Option 4 & Option 40. If that's not available I am willing to wait for what I want. All that means is I have more time to train.

Also, I have a question for you, Rangers. I have read here on the forums and have been told several times that I can walk out of negotiations at any time if I think I am being played or they are not giving me what I ask for. However, my Sergeant told me today that, next week, if I go straight through the physical to the MEPS liaison, without calling and reserving a slot with my recruiting office first, that I will be forced to sign a contract right there. Is there any truth to this statement whatsoever? My recruiters have been largely honest with me on everything thus far, but something about this claim doesn't quite sit well with me. Thank you for any information you have on this.

Thank you again Rangers, for your time and for this site.
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Re: SITREP - MindMelter

Post by goon175 »

I don't really understand what you are saying that they said here. But it really doesn't matter. You are an American and do not have to sign anything at anytime. What are they gonna do, hold a gun to your head and tell you to sign or else?
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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Re: SITREP - MindMelter

Post by MindMelter »

Thanks, Ranger goon175, that's kind of what I was thinking. Sorry about the confusion, I should have been more clear. I just noticed that I used the wrong wording too. My recruiter said that if I did not have a slot reserved through him (my recruiter) and I went to see the MEPS liaison anyway, that I would be forced to swear in, even if the MOS/Options I wanted weren't available. Thank you for the verification. It sounds to me like he simply wanted to make sure he got credit for my contract. Either way, I'm returning to MEPS next week to pick up where I left off. Looking forward to getting this segment of hurrying up and waiting over and done with.
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