I've been a desk-jockey all these years and now I need to shape up in no more than 9 months so that I can be sure and have all my enlistment complete before my 35th birthday. So I'm trying to roll-back 10 years of damage from sitting on my ass. I haven't been entirely sedintary, I've had some exercise here and there, but I've lost a hell of a lot in the way of strength and stamina during these years. As I said in my intro, I'm scoring in the 50's on a self-administered APFT. Specifically, I'm at about 38 pushups, 48 situps and at about 16:10 on the run. And I'm presently carrying about an extra 35 pounds.
My plan is to sign the enlistment papers as soon as I can improve those scores into the upper 60's to lower 70's - my "signing range". I figure after signing, I'll still have a couple of months to improve before shipping, and then I can figure on improving alot during OSUT. Right now, I'm still working, so I can't devote all day to PT like I would if I could.
I would like to sign as early as OCT or NOV, if possible, but I don't know if that's a reasonable expectation to put on myself. I MUST sign by next March, the way I figure, to insure that I ship before my 35th birthday in July.
- In your expert opinions, what is a reasonable schedule for improvement from where I'm at to "signing range"?
- Is my "signing range" high enough?