
This Archive will be used for Future Soldiers and Civilian Introductions 6 months old and older

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Re: Intro

Post by boscounderfoot »

Seems we had a similar event happen to us this semester. Like you, I got extremely sick in early February, turned out I had pneumonia, which wasn't diagnosed until I got out of bed one morning, passed out when I stood up, drilled my head on the dresser and split it wide open. I woke up the next day in a hospital bed not knowing where the hell I was, and ended up missing 5 weeks of school.

Because I am a Ranger and not a snivelling little pussy who quits when the going gets tough, I busted my ass to catch up with my school work and am carrying 3 "A's" and 1 "B" in Civil Engineering!! And that's on top of working 30 hours each week and working out 6 days a week. So when I read your excuse for quitting school, I'm not buying it. Listen to the other Rangers on this site!! FINISH YOUR DEGREE!!!!!!!

If you think for one second that you'll be able to get away with that bullshit in Regiment, you're in for a rude awakening. The first question everyone will ask is why you didn't finish school. The majority of people in the real world would kill for the opportunity you have right now. Nothing in life is easy sport and the fact that you're willing to quit whenever the going gets tough leads me to believe that you'd have a difficult time dealing with the day to day stresses at Regiment. Take off the skirt and man up!! Finish what you start and quit wavering. Get the degree and then take that piece of paper down to the recruiter and sign up for the 11x option 40. Show some self respect!!!
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Re: Intro

Post by Astinos »

Ranger boscounderfoot,

I totally understand where everyone is coming from, I fully plan on finishing my degree regardless even if I take it 1 class at a time. At this point I have $20k in student loans and 60 college credits, there is noway that I am going to waste what I have gotten thus far.

With that said, right now I am taking the path that I originally wanted for myself back in the 11th grade of high school, I have seen my far share of short comings in the last few years and I have nobody to blame but myself for them, but this is what I should have done from the start.

I know it may sound like I am just some whining little POS but I have nothing but respect to every Ranger and every soldier who serves in the military and I plan on showing that I'm not just a failure making excuses.
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
-Edmund Burke

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