
Rifles, Machineguns, Mortars, etc...
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Post by Protiwa »

Since the AT-4 is made in Sweden we use it a lott.

Did you know that AT-4 was first made in 1984. So the name AT-4 (Anti Tank 4) is also readable eighty (AT) 4, (84).
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Post by RafterMan »

Hmm, I never knew that.

Post by Bell »

Shut up slug.


Post by Saltbitch »

LN, when you come to Auburn, I'll get you up to speed.
1st Ranger

Post by 1st Ranger »

Ahh, the Gustav.
The "Goose" is the meanest handheld weapon on the planet, IMHO. I miss shooting that sucker more than any other weapon. It'll put hair on your chest while kicking you in the nuts.


Oh, and its a lot of fun in the shower too!! :P

1st Ranger

Post by Ando »

The Charlie G was in service with the British Army and Royal Marines back in the 80s. You guys still use it?

Post by Saltbitch »

We're the only unit to employ it as extensively as we do. Some other SOF units use it occasionally; but we include it as a standard AT/AP asset.
Regular Army doesn't have them.

Post by Spartan »

Does the Reg. Army use the Dragon still? Someone told me that they saw one on CNN recently in the Stan from an embedded media guy. I thought it was no longer in the inventory.
1st Ranger

Post by 1st Ranger »

Its hard to say what the regular Army and Nasty Girls still use, but I've seen a lot of people mistakenly refer to other A/T weapon systems as the Dragon, especially someone with only a very basic knowlege of A/T wpns. I know a lot of units have replaced it with the Javelin, but who knows how far those poor suckers in the regular army got with the switch. I would hazard a guess that the Marines may still use it, and I'm sure they'll use it long after everyone else forgets it still exists. Tell you what, I'll take a RAAWS over a Dragon anyday!

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Post by Smiddy »

God Bless you Casa, you'll always be an A/T God. The SMAW-D is replacing the AT4 as a standard fire and forget throw away. Why more units/armies don't use the "goose" with all it's capability and versatality, I'll never know.

C Co, 1/75; 92-00...HHC, 1/75; 00-02
1st Ranger

Post by 1st Ranger »

I can't take credit for anything. I can only say that any level I reached was due to the combined Bco/Cco A/T leadership (oh, and I didn't leave out Aco A/T on accident. Fuck them guys, they were always too cool for anyone else). I really miss the days that Bco and Cco WPNS shared the 3rd floor in Bldg 1276S. Those were the good years and I'm damn glad I got to be apart of it before it all went away. I used to hate it when you guys would get drunk and throw beer bottles against the back fire doors by the laundry room. Used to scare the shit out of me as a cherry! You Cco fuckers were always out of control!
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Post by Smiddy »

1st Ranger wrote:Smiddy,
I can't take credit for anything. I can only say that any level I reached was due to the combined Bco/Cco A/T leadership (oh, and I didn't leave out Aco A/T on accident. Fuck them guys, they were always too cool for anyone else). I really miss the days that Bco and Cco WPNS shared the 3rd floor in Bldg 1276S. Those were the good years and I'm damn glad I got to be apart of it before it all went away. I used to hate it when you guys would get drunk and throw beer bottles against the back fire doors by the laundry room. Used to scare the shit out of me as a cherry! You Cco fuckers were always out of control!

"Cellblock C" , "Criminal Company", "Hard Luck Chuck", etc. You know those were always meant as insults, but in Co. C we always took them as compliments. "Cry havoc, and let slip the Dogs of war!"

C Co, 1/75; 92-00...HHC, 1/75; 00-02
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