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Post by Bell »

I've been reading through some of the old posts and found this topic. Seems like all you guys wanting to go in have a problem with what you are going to learn to recognize as "civilians".

Brought to mind an old letter that I saw running around on the net. You guys can copy it and hand it to all those mouths that try to make ya quit. Just tell em, "It's a hell of a job, but somebody has to do it." And when they say "Why you?" Tell em cause it's something you think is right and ya feel like ya have to do it. They'll never get it. Then hand em this letter.

Dear Protester,

I volunteered so you would not have to.
I signed on the dotted line so you would not have to.
I trained so you would not have to.
I sweated and bled so you would not have to.
I accepted the low pay and long hours so you would not have to.
I was sent to war so you would not have to.
I saw the dying women and children, caused by their own, so you would not have to.
I smelled the burning flesh so you would not have to.
I was shot at so you would not have to be.
I had to shoot back so you would not have to.
I risked my life so you would not have to.
I protected the rights that allow you to protest.
I am a soldier and I volunteered so you would not have to.

I write this letter in disgust of all the protests I have seen by the American people to include the locals protest. I am a firm believer everyone has a right to protest and voice their opinion, but none of you who have protested have remembered the important thing. We have young men and women who are bravely doing their job. Nothing else. They were not drafted like most other countries. They are not forced to serve a number of years, like some countries. They volunteered.

These young soldiers are doing a job their Commander in Chief asked them to do. Americans should be proud of them and their excellent training. These soldiers see the news reprots of all the protests and are hurt by them. Their morale is low and they are going to have mixed feelings if we go to war. This is not good for someone who wants to come home, alive and well, to their families and loved ones. They do not need to wonder about the support of the American people. They should just know it's there. They are not there because they want to be. I have never met a soldier who wanted to go to war and kill. Soldiers are pawns for the government of any country. They are there to do the hard work. Yes, if we go to war, our soldiers will kill and be killed. That's a sad fact of war.

Whether or not war is the answer, please consider one thing when you are protesting or just voicing your opinion. Remember our troops. They are just doing their job and nothing more. Nothing will hurt you to have a sign next to the "No Blood for Oil" that reads, "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS."

Eric Birmingham
Dsert Shield/Storm Veteran

All you DEPers are young men that are starting to make grown men decisions. You won't be the same person when you get back from where you're going. Your parents are losing a boy. You'll become a warrior, and come home a man. Good luck in your endeavor.

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Post by Carboned114 »

"Join the Navy where you can have a nice warm bed every night"
"Fuck the Army, join the Airforce"
"I understand you want to join the Army, but dont join the Infantry"
"Trust me dude, you'll wish you never did"(coming from some dumb-ass who's worked at taco bell ever since he dropped out of high school)

These are some dumb@ss remarks ive been taking.
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Post by Morris0352 »

most of my friends have been VERY supportive but a few of them say "Don't go into the Army I don't want you to DIE" Then I explain how I'm not going to die(well probably not) so don't worry.

Post by Rgr_MindRiot »

Sometimes, those who are afraid to challenge themselves are reluctant to encourage other to do so. They are at a position in their lives where having others around just like them makes them feel more secure. Just remember that what someone said about trying and failing is better than never trying at all and you will know what to do. These are the first of many challenges you will face, challenges that will constantly test your resolve to achieve your goals, and they come in all forms. So, remember keep your goals in your sights and never let anyone or anything distract you.

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Post by Morris0352 »

Snake you NOT have friends??? All of my friends or basically anyone I've talked to asks "So where are you going to college" and I tell them that i'm going into the Army. You said "Because I don't tell them"...What do you do? Just go..."errr umm...." or does nobody talk to you???
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Post by Morris0352 »

No offense but you almost seem as though you're not proud at all of your decision. When I enlisted I told all of my friends because I was so happy, I got mixed reactions and after all of my good friends knew I stopped telling people. What do you mean "when the time comes"??? Like when you leave or what?
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Post by ImportsRsloths »

Im pretty excited about joining the army for my four years!!!!! In fact, I wish i could leave for OSUT tommorow instead of in february... :(

Post by Sniper »

Let me chime in on this subject alittle. I remembered when I enlisted I was 17 and needed my parents permission to get my contracts signed, what my mom nor the rest of my family knew was what exactly I was going to be doing. I just told my mom I was going to be infantry because that worried her alot to begin with and I wasn't going to say ohh yeah mom by the way I also have a ranger option too, she would have probably had a heart attack . That was my reasoning for not letting her fully know.

Now my friends it was no different really I think only 2 people knew what I was doing both of which were my best friends everyone else I could careless what they knew. I was never one to bragg or tell a million people about what decisons I made. Now all these years later after serving and being out for several I can tell you that snake is more than likely extremely proud of his descions as you are morris but have 2 different approaches on showing biggie .

hope this helps to bring some insight of how different people can be from each other but yet still share a common bond on wanting to join a brotherhood of men such as the Rangers.
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