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Post by SAVAGE^ »

SFC hit_it:

1. I was recruited at the Tucson, AZ Kolb Station. I have not yet attended MEPS, but will be going as soon as the school year is over at MEPS in the Phoenix area.

2. I have to admit I have had a good deal of ASS CHEWING while a member on this forum. When I first joined I messed up pretty bad and lost my PM ability and avatar right off the bat the first day. I quickly realized that this was no ordinary forum where addressing Rangers as "guys" was to be tolerated. I at first was a little butt-hurt when I got the "STFU" from Ranger KW Driver, but I've grown stronger from the guidance of the Rangers, Vets, and soldiers on this site. The ASS RIPPING I have received has done nothing but make me want to join the Army more. I have done every flutterkick and push-up instructed plus some. I welcome any PT or punishment given to me. I take it as a challenge and do them immediately. I have learned so much from this remarkable forum. I was about to go sign up with the Army Reserve right before I had read from one of SFC hit_it’s posts “PREQUALIFICATIONS FOR AN OPTION 40,â€
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Table of Elements Skater
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Post by Table of Elements Skater »

Savage, if your not a DEP, pick your avatar from the NEWTS section.
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Post by EasyRider »

2)ALL: How many of you are truly shaken when you take an ass chewing on this site? How do you feel about your commitment to the Army after recieving such as ASS RIPPING here? stronger? weaker? Do you honestly do the exercises you have been told to do? Do you learn here
It doesn't shake me but it makes me better understand 'military bearing', it doesn't lower or raise my commitment to enlisting. I haven't been told to do any exercises beside shutting the fuck up, but if I was told to do some I would.
3)NEWTS: How strong is your commitment to talk to a recruiter after your involvement on this site?
Alot better, I talked to a recruiter before I joined this site, but I didn't understand everything he said and after reading the forum I feel alot more comfortable talking to recruiters, I've talked to a few. I don't post much since I'm still a year away from the possibility of enlisting, but I've lurked relatively alot. This forum along with some other things has really helped me get over my romantic notions and see military life alot more clear and realistic I hope, and its still what I want to do. Thank you.
4)ALL: Do you feel that is an accurate portrail of every day military life? Why or why not?
I think it does exceptional for what it is, because of how everything is run - how you have to talk to people, reading the guidelines for that, and the avatars are brilliant.
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Post by freshman »

Sorry for the late response SFC hit_it and Rangers

2.) I was suprised when I first posted here and got my ass chewed out for incorrectly calling you Rangers "rangers".

I won't lie my commitment was tested when I first arrived here but I persisted and am still here.

Now my commitment is Stronger

I do every exercise to my physical and mental capabilities.
I have not received a Large smoking yet, I do intend to now that I have made ya'll (Rangers) aware of that...

I have learned so much here, before finding Army Ranger that TOES led me to (thanks dude, sorry about that back thing...that sucks good luck man).

I knew very little of Army life, now I have realized that a military career is not a glamorious one.

I also realized that I need to give it everything I've got then some more to get to my dream.

whatever career you get be the best you can at that..."if your a ditch digger be the best ditch digger"

3.) I have learned that recruiters are only trying to make me sign a paper, they could care less what you want they just need to fill up their monthly quota.

with that in mind I will not sign any paper they throw in front of me.

so I am very commited to seeing a recruiter, that is after all the first step.

Without any knowledge about the Army from my own personal experience i have concluded that the site is a accurate portryal of military life.

I would have to say yes and no

first no there is nothing forcing me too PT or Learn

then yes the army doesnt force you to come to them, and I learn and PT here

so for some who are not as commited No

those who are Yes

Thank You Rangers for the site

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Technical Sadist
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Post by Technical Sadist »

2) I haven't had an ass ripping from you Rangers, yet, but usually they inspire me to reflect on and fix any poor choices I've previously made.

3)I would enlist within the hour if I could obtain an option 40.

4)I hope this site accurately portrays life in the military, it seems like no one can ever get bored.
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Post by TexasDev78 »

SFC Hit_It,

Here are my replies to your post.

1) I have been doing more reading than posting, so i have avoided any "ass chewings." I would not be deterred in joining the Army due to admonishment on the site. It would only serve to prepare me better for BCT and not "take anything personally", to learn and follow orders and instructions.

2) I have not been directly instructed to do any PT, but have been following the guides found on this site and the guidance of a 1SG who just retired.

3) I speak to my recruiter once per week. I have taken the ASVAB and I take the DLAB tomorrow at the station in San Antonio.

4) I feel that is an accurate portrayal of Army values and expectations regarding personal conduct, respect and work ethic. I don't believe I am qualified to comment beyond that.


Jerome from San Antonio
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Post by Mr Nice Guy »

hit_it wrote: 2)ALL: How many of you are truly shaken when you take an ass chewing on this site? How do you feel about your commitment to the Army after recieving such as ASS RIPPING here? stronger? weaker? Do you honestly do the exercises you have been told to do? Do you learn here

I can't say getting an ass chewing doesn't shake me, becasue it does. Not like getting phsically shaken, but more like a mind shaking. Sort of like a revelation. Every ass rip is a fine lesson the way i see it. It makes your commitment stronger, if you already had a commitment in the first place. Yes I do the excercises. I most definatley learn here. Of all the forums I frequent, this is probably one of the most educational. They should require all pre-pubescent boys to read this forum to learn how to become a man!

3)NEWTS: How strong is your commitment to talk to a recruiter after your involvement on this site?

Very much stronger. Before this site, talking to a recruiter was kind of a scary thing. Very intimidating fellows. But after I armed myself with knowledge I acquired from this forum, it will be a much better experience next time around.

4)ALL: Do you feel that is an accurate portrail of every day military life? Why or why not?

From what I know about military life (which is jack shit,) this site is and isn't an accurate portrayal. Rank is one thing that is accurate here. Not nescessarily actual rank, but certain members take precedence over others, so does have its own system. Respect is another big thing I feel is an accurate portrayal that is practiced here. Sometimes however, I see that a lot of veterans and active duty that post here tend to joke around and bullshit, which I don't think would go over to well when i'm on duty. I understand this site can be great for not only education, but entertainment as well, but to answer the question simply, yes and no.
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Turkey Buster
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Post by Turkey Buster »

1)DEPS:What area of the US were you recruited from? Which MEPS did you process through?


2)ALL: How many of you are truly shaken when you take an ass chewing on this site? How do you feel about your commitment to the Army after recieving such as ASS RIPPING here? stronger? weaker? Do you honestly do the exercises you have been told to do? Do you learn here

SFC hit_it, I have not received an ass chewing yet, being very new to the forum, and I have not been told to do any of the exercises listed.

However, I have found serveral exercises in the fitness section and am currently volunteering to do them during my free PT time.

3)NEWTS: How strong is your commitment to talk to a recruiter after your involvement on this site?

SFC hit_it, I have been resolute about talking to a recruiter for quite a long time, planned to the day. This site has aided me so far in holding that resolution.

4)ALL: Do you feel that is an accurate portrayal of every day military life? Why or why not?

SFC hit_it, I have not yet experienced military life.
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