Wisdom Teeth Surgery

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Post by NORCAL18T »

I got mine out about 2-3 years ago. I go in around 8 a.m. and they gave me a shot and im waiting for it to knock me out and the next thing I remember is waking up to the voice of a female assistant. I got up and couldnt even walk i was soo fucked up on the meds they gave me. 2 people had to walk me out to the car as I was hitting myself in the face cuz I couldnt feel it. I slept the ENTIRE day while bleeding a bunch and having to replace the gauze every 5 min. Good Times!
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Post by typeA »

I was considering getting mine out before I ship to prevent any problems during my training pipeline. Would this require a waiver or cause any problems? I mentioned it to my recruiter and he told me to get it done afterwards.
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Post by NORCAL18T »

typeA wrote:I was considering getting mine out before I ship to prevent any problems during my training pipeline. Would this require a waiver or cause any problems? I mentioned it to my recruiter and he told me to get it done afterwards.
It just all depends on the person. Everyone handles and takes it differently. Ive had friends who have had them taken out and it barely affected them in the worst ways.
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Post by SmokeEater10500 »

I have a question regarding wisdom teeth. What is Army policy concerning impacted wisdom teeth? I haven't been able to find a straight answer anywhere. I've heard that if they stay in, you are non-deployable. Is there any truth to this? Does the Army have a waiver for them? 2 of mine (bottom 2) are completely incased in my jaw bone. The oral surgeon said they aren't able to move anywhere and they aren't really a threat to me unless I get my jaw broken. I've passed my DODMERB physical and I've checked the AR concerning medical standards and I cannot find anything. Can anyone here please give me a straight answer?
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Post by GoardHeart »

Ranger ImportsRsloths-
I had mine taken out when I was a senior in high school. My experience was very similar to yours. I had an IV that knocked me out. I woke up in the waiting room after it was all done and my brother took me home. I slept for a little while took some advil, and went back to school that night to play a basketball game. I had no swelling, or pain. I supose I was one of the lucky ones.
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Post by JdZorro »

I got one fer ya..
Not a wisdom tooth story but an evil dentist nonetheless:
My son got 4 back teeth pulled when he was 5 years old. Damn things grew in rotten. Must've been his mother's genes.
The doc gives him a shot in the arm, and says "he'll be out like a light in 5 minutes". I'm sitting there with him, so he won't be so scared. After all he's just a little boy. The doc comes back 10 minutes later, and starts working on the boy's mouth, kinda standing over him, and my little darling kicks him square in the generals, dropping him to the floor. After he catches his breath, he says, "maybe one more shot. This'll knock him out for sure". He comes back 10 minutes later, and my boy looks at him like "you're not going to try anything stupid, now, are you doc?"
"One more shot perhaps" the wise doctor said, and after another 20 minutes the kid just looks stoned. I'm not sure what he was giving him, but it wasn't doing what it was supposed to.
The doc goes in anyway, with a quick violent movement and gets the teeth out without too many more bruises. Not for lack of trying, though. It took me and three nurses to keep track of all the appendages flailing about.
Now, let me tell you something about dentists. They are some evil mother fuckers. We never really get to see, since we're always drugged up while they do their dirty work, but if this guy didn't have a license, I'd have wrung his neck for what he did. There were sharp metal objects, the sound of bone cracking, and blood everywhere. I used to think I was pretty tough, but afterwards my stomach hurt.
On the way home he tells me about the rollercoaster ride he was just on, and ask me why everyone's head is so big. Then he wants me to look at all the pretty colors, and he reaches out to grab a few. I guess he caught some, because he then looked at the palm of his hand for about 20 minutes without blinking.
3 hours later he was outside riding his bike.
I'm thinking the boy has a future, hmmm?
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Post by Cialis »

The two pairs of my Wisdom teeth were removed last November. It certainly isn't an obstacle for PT. I was administered local anesthetic which gives you the sensation that your mouth is a leather baseball glove. The only part that is annoying is the blood. I was literally pouring blood, replacing the gauze strips every few minutes and the ruby liquid draining out of my numb mouth unless I clamped it, viselike.

Eating anything solid was a non-go because of infection. It is certainly better to wait on the eating because you can contract an abcess, which really complicates.

Interesting experience though.
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Post by AnotherDumbKid »

I am a little late but here was my experience.

The dentist being a family friend of mine first hooked me up to the nitrous. He let me sit and inhale that for a good 30 minutes and bullshitted with me. Then he finally went and got a needle and some novacaine and injected me with prolly 6 needles(I had all four taken out). Well after this he sits bullshits with me for another 15 minutes to let the novacaine start its action. Then he proceeds to take out my wisdom teeth. By this time I am trying to talk to him because I am stoned off the nitrous and occasionally bitting at his fingers. He gets three of the four teeth out no problem. Then he goes to pull the fourth out and when he does that I hear CRUNCH. I feel this down to my jaw. Well right after that he says, "Oh, that's not good." I was like WTF you mean thats not good. Turned out he ripped a little bit of my jaw bone out but no biggie. He left me on the nitrous for another thirty minutes after he was done. He also sent me home with 20-30 percodans can't remember it's been awhile. Man do I love knowing him. I go get my teeth cleaned and hes like want some nitrous. But over all the experience was actually enjoyable. I felt pretty good for a few days, besides the blood, and my damn wisdom teeth stopped bothering me because they weren't there.
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