Introduction - Jon

This Archive will be used for Future Soldiers and Civilian Introductions 6 months old and older

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Introduction - Jon

Post by Rev83 »

To Begin, Thank you for your service. I'm Jon and 27 years of age with some college (psych) and other technical studies. The past 6 years I dedicated my life to working with hospice and taking care of my Grandfather who raised me. A former Marine and the strongest man I ever knew. I felt it was my responsibility to stay with him until the end as he was with me from the beginning. Now that I lost what was left of my family, I feel it's my duty to give this dedication, determination, and the skills I have gathered over the years to the Military.

I started the process in April of last year and completed everything at MEPS; however, I pulled a psych consult because of an arrest (which was dropped) My recruited decided that we had to leave. I was told I had to get a psych eval on my own dime so I paid $300 for one and gave it to the recruiter. This ended up being a waste as I had never heard from him again. I finally moved and got a new recruiter and after some persistence I will get what I want, which is a 68w Option 40 contract. I hope to give my all to become a member of one of the elite forces in the world and prove my self that I have what it takes.

I have learned a lot reading the information contained throughout this board and will continue to learn until after I swear in and get to basic.

Thank you for the information provided within and for your service.
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Re: Introduction - Jon

Post by mv2012 »


It sounds like you have pursued a selfless and honorable track. I am sorry to hear that you ran into an obstacle with your enlistment, but I will suggest that it is just that; an obstacle to be overcome. You have a clear and admirable plan, and as a fellow aspiring soldier, I encourage you to forge ahead and realize your goals. Thank you, and welcome.
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Re: Introduction - Jon

Post by Rev83 »


Thank you as well and I'm glad to see you got in smoothly. I have a strong feeling that once I swear in I would be shipping out around the same time as you. Hopefully soon I will know for sure.

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