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Post by P3nGuin »

Hello everyone my name is andrew, and im 16 1/2.

Ive come to a hard desicion, I wanna join the army and be an army ranger, im studied it and learned all bout the training and pretty good in shape as of right now. Just will start trainin more for it.

Only thing holding me back is my girlfriend, Ive been with her since 13 and I love her alot, I want a future with her, AND im afraid she wont be able to go threw not seein me for 4yrs+, hell she gets all sad and messed upwhen she doesnt see me for a week. I know when i get out I can be with her and such, but it will be hard on me and her me bein gone, And i wanna Go to the army, have been all my life. Its a goal in my life. And if i do wanna go to the army i wanna serve with the best, I wanna be apart of the best.

From reading I can join the Army and i can get a letter from them at 17 1/2 and get my GED.

So your guys advice/thoughts please. :)
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Post by PaleHorseRider »

ditch the girl. there will be plenty others. this is talking about your future here man, the key word there being your. you shouldnt have to take other people into consideration when deciding on something like this, i am doing the smart thing and going into the military single....happily single, i had a g/f for two years and i was never this happy when i was going out with her. if she really does "love" you then she would understand, but sounds to me like shes a little insecure, being all sad when she doesnt see you for a week....kinda weird....anywas, thats my 2 cents. good luck.
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Post by DGhost »

Go for what you believe in. Trust me when I say that both of you *will* change when each of you graduates from high school. Not to quote the statistics of high school relationships breaking up and shit (i still don't buy that they mean jack shit), but people change and most people lack the intestinal fortitude to stick to something when the world around them is changing.

Like Leatherneck said, the ones who are worth loving are the ones that understand that you gotta do what makes you happy.

Judging from what you said about her, I am willing to place money that the strain of the Ranger life on you two would force her away from you. And trust me when I say that you don't want to hurt like that would. And that is even if you two were to get married.

Also, do yourself a favor and finish high school. It will make becoming a Ranger easier. See the other threads in this forum about GED's.

If it truely means something to you (either her or the Rangers), it should mean enough for you not to cut corners or do half measures.
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Post by P3nGuin »

Is there any other way around it, I was reading the other threads and said somethen bout 15 college hours/ 15 credits or something...

What other options do I have besides the dilphoma.
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Post by Dropped »

Right now I'd say the whole girlfriend thing is a non-issue since you won't be going in for probably atleast a year, that's assuming you get your GED and pass 15 credit hours of college by then (by the way it probably depends on state and what time of year you take it but I know getting your GED results alone can take 3 months in some cases, then of course you'd have to wait until the next college semester started). Odds are you'll probably be looking at each other more than a little differently by then, maybe better maybe worse. If I were you I'd base your decision off that.

Also keep in mind if you start working out to become a ranger then maybe you'll start being more appealing to other girls, this can cause alot of problems, see how you make it through the challenges you'll have over the course of another year before breaking up or giving up on becoming a Ranger.

If a year from now your in the same possition then you might want to take the advice of these guys here, but I mean come on your still using numbers as letters in your name, I doubt your old enough to know if this is the girl you really want to spend the rest of your life with.
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Post by PaleHorseRider »

none really dude, you NEED a high school diploma for the military and you are definetly gonna want it for later in liff, do cut it short, you are probably not ready anyways, and you just shoud definetly finish out high school, also, and i may sound kinda like you praents saying this, but you sound WAAAAy to involved with this girl for your age...things WILL change after high school, there is no doubt about that, you are setting yourself up to be hurt bigtime, believe me. and even tho you wont take this advice you should at elast start to distance yourself from her, if not end it totally.
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Freed Y
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Post by Freed Y »

Yeah, like the other guys said You are way too young to be feeling that way about a girl. I'm the same age as you and I would never want to get that involved with a girl, but that's just me. You might want to brake up with her before you enlist because she is only going to a distraction, I've seen girls make guys do things they regret. Just think about what is best for you, not the both of you.
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Post by DGhost »

Ehh, i dunno if it is too young to particularly be in love or not...

I was about that age when I fell in love... was really great with the exceptions of our own insecurities... our relationship was something that could have been incredible and honestly had depth that i don't see often in the real world... but, in the end our immaturities (specifically her immaturities) led to its downfall...

trust me when i say that people change a lot after high school. It is not impossible for relationships to survive the stress of one person being in the military, but it is hard and requires the relationship to be stable and both people to be fairly mature, secure in themselves and the relationship, and also focused on it. it sounds like she doesn't have that maturity.

but, as was also pointed out, you are at least a year away from that. a lot can change in a year. you could change your mind, you two could break up anyways, etc. focus on what is in front of you while you work for the future. do what is important to you, but don't ruin a good thing for a goal that is still far off... who knows what will happen..

thats off topic though...

about the GED thing... if you have 15 semester hours you will be considered a Tier 1 applicant, same as someone who graduated from high school. you cannot take short cuts with this. the regs say they have to be earned in classroom so doing something like CLEP or AP tests won't allow you to get around it. If you drop out and for some reason cannot do school (ie, don't have a car, don't have money, etc) you will have wound up screwing yourself badly.

personally, i would stick it through high school. for something that is 1) free and 2) incredably easy to accomplish, it is worth putting the extra time in for - if for no other reason that you can look back and say that you graduated high school. trust me, conversations with people can become real awkward when you tell them that you never graduated from high school. and it might be something that you will wish you had done a few years down the road. I know i never really cared about school or graduating, but i wish i had just buckled down and done the work instead of pulling the wrong way. there is a sense of pride that you would one day take from having graduated from high school.

i wouldn't be in such a rush to meet your future... you have the rest of your life... it certainly isn't worth cutting corners and trying to take the short route... trust me when i say that you will wind up getting screwed by it one way or another...

"Fools rush where angels fear to tread."
Master J

Post by Master J »

im gonna puke
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Post by PaleHorseRider »

waaaaaaay ahead of you jody.
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Post by Earthpig »


Does this justify the need for a 'Dear Abby' section? Bwahahaha
Maybe instead of having a Moderater for that section, you could just have a guidance/love counselor. If you do, be sure to make it all fluffy and touchy-feely...remember, "crying is part of being a man." (Barf!)

Always remember: BROS BEFORE HOES.
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Post by DGhost »

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Post by MrWesson22 »

If she doesn't love you for who you are and what you want to do, then she doesn't love you. If she doesn't love you enough to want you to pursue your dreams and isn't completely supportive in your life's goals, she doesn't love you. Don't worry about it. Focus on your goals, not on her. If she truly loves you and you're meant to stay together, you will. Chances are the two of you are going to change enough in the next 6 years, it's just not going to work. Don't let a high school romance give you regrets for the rest of your life.
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