Introduction - Bryce

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Introduction - Bryce

Post by Bryce10027 »

Hi, My name is Bryce and I am 20 years old. I've always wanted to become an Army Ranger, but my parents have been firmly against it. I'm getting older now and am realizing if I don't take this opportunity now I might regret it for the rest of my life. I am happy to join this site so I can receive insight from others who are Rangers.
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Re: Introduction - Bryce

Post by Disinfertention »

Bryce10027 wrote: November 28th, 2023, 1:12 pm Hi, My name is Bryce and I am 20 years old. I've always wanted to become an Army Ranger, but my parents have been firmly against it. I'm getting older now and am realizing if I don't take this opportunity now I might regret it for the rest of my life. I am happy to join this site so I can receive insight from others who are Rangers.
Bryce, welcome to the site. Are you planning to join even if your parents don't want you to? Have you spoke to a recruiter yet? What do you foresee as the hardest part of the process of passing RASP? What are you doing currently since you are not in high school? Are you in college or working?
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Re: Introduction - Bryce

Post by BlueLiner »

Bryce, welcome to Be sure to read the stickies and rules as you go continue to post here.

I'll start with this, why do YOU want to be a Ranger? Did you play team sports growing up? What is your general fitness level looking like in terms of running, strength, and calisthenics? What kind of advice and/or mentorship do you want from us on this forum? What MOS in Ranger Regiment interests you? You can find a list of the MOS's that are Option 40 contract capable with a quick Google search. (Google is your friend).

Many people have been in your shoes before, and hundreds have used this webiste to learn more about the Regiment in order to pursue their goals of becoming a Ranger. This forum will only provide you so much however, as you will get as much out of this resource as you put into it. There are tons of threads here that detail the process of getting to Regiment. This includes how to get an Option 40, general fitness advice, history of the Regiment, and information about the Ranger Assessment and Selection Process (RASP).

If this is something that YOU want to do, than we HIGHLY suggest that you start preparing yourself both physically and mentally for this process. Start learning the Ranger Creed, and take a diagnostic Ranger Fitness Test (RFT) to include the following. Post your score within two weeks so we can get a baseline of your fitness level.

2 minutes of pushups (MIN 58) / 2 minutes of situps (MIN 69) / 5 mile run (MIN 40 MINUTES) / max chinups (MIN 6)

We look forward to hearing from you, and as a wise Ranger once said, "Never, Never Quit!"
RASP 7-19
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Re: Introduction - Bryce

Post by Bryce10027 »

Hello Rangers and sorry for the very late response. I have been busy during this last holiday season and forgot about my post here.

Ranger Disinfertention, I do plan on joining even though my Mom doesn't approve. No, I have not spoken to a recruiter yet. I spoke to a recruiter 2 years ago and I had a bad experience. I am planning on seeing a recruiter when I hit acceptable scores in physical fitness. The hardest part of RASP I foresee is the running and rucking. I have never been a good runner and never rucked in my life. In the past month, I have been running and getting better but, I am not near the running standard. I went to college when I graduated high school because everyone told me that it was the right way to have a successful life. I dropped out a year later because I did not enjoy college and did not like studying hours and hours for classes that seemed useless and taught me information that I would forget in a month. Meanwhile, for the past year and a half, I have had a couple of unfulfilling jobs. Currently, I work in a distribution warehouse for Coors stacking pallets of beer for local stores.

Ranger BlueLiner, My interest in joining the Army started when I was young and listened to war stories from my Great-Grandfather. He fought in WWII in Europe. I looked up to him at a young age and always wanted to be Airborne Infantry. When I got older I heard about the Rangers. An elite Airborne light Infantry unit that only selects the best of the best and the mentally strong. I am very attracted to the lifestyle of always trying to be better. I also like that when even if you pass RASP every day in Regiement you have to prove that you belong. I want to always challenge myself and become the best version of myself I can be.

In high school, I played basketball and football. My general fitness currently to be blunt is terrible. I am overweight, weak, and not conditioned. I know that with my current fitness level, I have a long shot at making it through this journey, but I want to change my life and become one of the few who were in my position and achieved greatness. I want to receive advice and mentorship from Rangers who went on this path and became a Ranger. I'll take any advice on nutrition, fitness, life advice, and anything in between. I'm interested currently interested in 11X, 13F, and I have been looking into some signal mos's.

I haven't taken an RFT all at once, but I have been doing a general fitness test to track my progress

Push-ups (max till failure): 22
Sit-ups (till failure): 23
3 mile (I can't go 5 miles yet): 30:14
(can't do a pull-up)

I know these scores are a long way even from the bare minimum to even enter the Army, but that means I just have to keep working. I have been working out and running for a little over a month now and made huge improvements. I added +10 to both my push-ups and sit-ups and went from not being able to run a mile to running 3 miles nonstop. I'll make sure to keep checking this site and update you on my progress.
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Re: Introduction - Bryce

Post by BlueLiner »

Bryce, your scores are very low like you mentioned. Keep in mind however that this is a baseline, and you have ALOT of work to do which is why you came here like you said.

My first assignment for you is to start digging through and checking out the Physical Training section on this forum, because at many like you started off in your same position and became PT specimens once they shipped out. You will take a self-administered PT test every 4 weeks minimum to give us an understanding of your progression. It is possible to ready yourself, you just have to really dedicate yourself and take this seriously. In terms of MOS's I suggest researching the MOS's that the Regiment is looking for right now, there are a plethora of jobs and one might pop up that you did not expect.

(If you do not give this 100% and then some I promise the outcome will not be what you want)

Looking forward to your next reply, hard work betrays none.
RASP 7-19
RS 9-20
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"Get that lumber in his teeth! Let 'em know you're there!" - Reggie Dunlop
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