Camp Lejune Contaminated water

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Camp Lejune Contaminated water

Post by doubledragon »

This one hits me closer to home since my wife was born and spent her first few years living in the trailer park at Camp Lejune. As I stated in my intro she just got done with all the therapy for breast cancer, and wonder if this has anything to do with that.

Lawmaker criticizes military over water at NC base

AP – In this Aug. 3, 2010 photo, an anchor stands in front of the entrance to Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune …
By FREDERIC J. FROMMER, Associated Press Writer – Thu Sep 16, 3:46 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Military leaders cared more about fending off bad press than helping Marines sickened by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, a North Carolina lawmaker claimed at a hearing Thursday focused on health concerns at the sprawling Marine base in his state.
Democratic Rep. Brad Miller said Navy and Marine Corps leaders have been "relying on the advice of lawyers, hiding behind science that is slow and uncertain, and spending more energy on public relations than on helping Marines and their families."
A Marine Corps official said the military's actions when the contamination was first discovered were "astounding."
"I think they were ignorant, quite frankly, of some of the implications," said Maj. Gen. Gray Payne, who until recently was responsible for Marine Corps facilities, including environmental protection. "I think we were lulled into a sense of complacency, or at least a lack of urgency. ... There were many, many errors made on behalf of the Marine Corps."

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