Newts - Efforts to Join the Army/Rangers and Workout Plans

No Snivel Zone. PT - Pushups, Flutterkicks, Running, Roadmarching.
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My Plan

Post by chukklehed »

I did plan on getting an 18x contract, but thanks to some of the advice I have gotten here I now plan on getting an Option 40 and going SF later after I get some experience. Have not taken the ASVAB yet. My current workout plan is as follows;

Go to Jiu Jitsu lessons on monday and friday as well as kendo lessons on wednesday

Run 3 miles every morning (Mon-Fri) and follow that up with 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 10 pull-ups

Tuesday & Thursday; 4 sets of 10,8,6,4 reps of Bench Press, Military Press, Curl, Deadlift, and Squat

On Saturday I do running/walking through the woods for two hours with a 20 pound weight vest on.
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Post by Ray80 »

Damn, Swimmerkid! You've just got me so motivated! :idea: Your running ability looks to be awesome. When I was 15-17, I was more concerned with benching 225 and squatting and deadlifting 315. Now I wish I was more like you back then! I've only now (7 years later) started getting to your level of fitness. I also like your all-around athleticism.

Back when I was in H.S., I saw many guys as fit or more fit than you get horribly out of shape as juniors and seniors because of partying and everything. It appears you have an awesome attitude, so keep it up! Remind me to watch out for you in the future!

Keep up your good health and I pray you will stay injury-free. Man, I'm jealous. :shock: All of a sudden I feel friggin' old and slow!

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Post by Parabellum »

swimmerkid187 wrote:Ranger h8train1/75 ,
Yes this is accurate information sir. However like I said I do this everyother day to help my muscles rest. Also, my carb intake seems to be low and Im currently trying to fix the stituation, I drink two Ensures a day and take at least two multivitmains a day. However I would like to take a protein shake with around 1500 calories in it, I think that might help. Also thank you for the advise, Ill heed it and wont let it slid.
Thank you Sir.

Im not an expert, but if you dont mind my opinion Ill be willing to share it.

I believe that so far your off to a good start with drinking the shake. But your a freshman in highschool you have a lot of time to gain weight. Also It might be good to have a regular workout schedule and follow it to the end. This may not be correct but I have heard that if you drink these shakes and dont workout enough it can easily turn to fat, which for you and myself wouldnt be that bad, however you could use this to help gain muscle. But it seems your on the right track with your pushups and situps, thats important. Soccer is a great sport, I personally like it, but if your serious about trying to become a Ranger maybe endurance running would help such as cross country or long distance track. I know that soccer is very hard with a lot of sprints but maybe before or after practice a nice 3 mile run could help.

Thanks again Ranger h8train1/75
Do this bud. Take your body wieght miltiply it by 17. That is how many calories you should eat in a day. 10-15% fat, 1-1.5 grams of protien per body pound and 50-60% carbs. You will have to do some number crunching.
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Post by Spartan »

swimmerkid187 wrote:Ranger Spartan
I did a lot of flutter kicks during swimming and we continue to do them in gymnastics. We usually do 100 in sets of 25, in a count of 1 ( L. Leg) 2 (R. Leg). Although this seems to a lot to me right now, I would imagine that this is a joke compared to the number the Instuctors have the trainees do in R.I.P so I well increase the total number and raise the sets to 50 per set and higher the count to a 4 count exercise instead of a 2 count.
However I have a questions do R.I.P Instructors have the students ever do legs raisers as an exercise? Also, Ranger Spartan do you know of anyway to help with obstacle course training?

Thank you.
I would recommend trying to get up to 300 four counts then breeze on up to 600 as they will get incredibly easier to add another 50 per set after you are able to hit 300.

As far as obstacle courses, many cities have what are called par courses at public parks that involve adding fitness stations in the middle of running courses. Although not a true 'obstacle course' there are ways you can use the par course to add greater difficult to an otherwise boring running routine. The main thing is that you want to add variety to your workout routine.
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Post by Scoutman »

Another tip here is to eat several meals a day, typically about every 3 hours. Eat good healthy meals and a lot of each helping even if you aren't hungry. FORCE FEED yourself. Stay away from refined sugar products such as soda. Something I found that was simple and fairly cheap to do was to make your own protein/recovery drinks. Use 100% fruit juices and buy yourself a container of GNC protein (good and cost effecient). The idea is to make these drinks before and certainly after your workouts. You want a really high carb number, 100-160g, and around 50g. protein. If these high carbs are combined before or after a workout it forces the carbs into the muscle cells. If you have these really high carbs just for the hell of it, not with a workout, the carbs get stored in the fat cells. So by doing this you can manipulate the insulin levels in your body, also eventually manipulating your hormone levels, naturally. Then, when you go to bed, eat a small meal with more protein than carbs (50g/30g) that way your body doesn't use the protein already stored in your muscle cells.
But, like other here have said, once you start Basic you will lose a lot or all of what you gained because of the all the workouts and you won't be able to eat the way your used to. So, if your in high school, don't worry to much yet. Your still growing.
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Post by Monsoon »

Ranger Spartan, what would be a good number of flutterkicks and sets to start out with? Because im not sure if I could do 100 in sets of 25 like swimmerkid.

Post by Bell »

Keep trying until ya can. The abs are one of the largest set of muscles on the body and the least worked.

Start trying. You will eventually be a flutter kick stud. Trust me.

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Post by Monsoon »

Thanks Ranger Bell I'll do just that.
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Post by Oreo »

Ranger Spartan, Im interested in becoming a Ranger. Right now im trying to get out of the national guard and go active duty and get abn/opt. 40 in my contract. as far as my workout, i run a few miles every day in track practice, and most of the time i run an extra mile or two, in addition to weight training(couldnt tell ya how much, i just lift until i cant anymore) also i do pushups,sit ups,pull ups, flutter kicks,and when i cant do anymore pushups, i make myself stay in the front leaning rest until i drop....then i get back up and do it some more.
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Post by Andy »

Ranger Spartan, I plan on becoming an Army Ranger. I got a 97 on my ASVAB, and talk to my recruiter on a weekly basis.
my work out plan is from my track season, so it needs some modifying.

800m warm up
3200m flying eagles (sprint 100, jog 100)
60 crunches
30 flutterkicks
200m sprint over hurdles x 4
500m over hurdles x 2
100 pushups
50 situps

on weekends I usually do a 4-5 mile run, with pushups before and after
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Post by NoahH »

Ranger Spartan,

I plan on becoming an Army Ranger. My current 'workout' schedue goes something like this:
4-5 hours lifting boxes every morning courtesy FedEx Ground.
2 mile run.
2 mile walk with 40lbs backpack (the dog can't run so I walk her)
pushups, flutterkicks, situps, and monkey f**kers throughout the day whenever I get the chance. (watching TV or getting bored with homework).
That's all Mon - Fri.
Saturday's I do a 10 mile walk with 40lb backpack at around 15min mile. (Unless I go out of town)
Sunday's I sit around and do nothing.
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Post by Joseph PrettyDeepWater »

Sorry about the late response Ranger Spartan. I haven't been home at all this weekend(out camping).

To answer the questions.
Yes Ranger Spartan, I plan on joining the Army and my main goal is to become a Ranger. I have not yet taken the ASVAB, but I have talked to 2 different recruiters.

Right now I am not on any kind of work out schedule. I've just been playing club soccer. I am having my sister get my a gym membership, so that I can start a workout schedule.

I have about a year and a half before I can join the army, I still gotta finish up highschool...

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Post by DD »

Ranger Spartan,

I have taken the ASVAB and go to MEPS this week. I will be getting a Ranger contract and have been training with that in mind. I am competing in an Olympic Marathon( 1.5k swim, 40k bike, and 10k run) on Memorial Day supporting "The Fallen Soldier Fund."

To prepare, I have been running around 5-8 miles every other day or so and have been riding the bike in those spin classes that kick your ass (about 20 miles in an hour) and swimming a lot (around 40-60 laps non-stop).

Along with that I have been doing the usual weight lifting. I plan on stopping the weight lifting once I get closer to my start date (sometime in August).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I plan on entering basic with all of the Ranger goals met.
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Re: ASVAB and Workout

Post by number77 »

swimmerkid187 wrote:Ranger Spartan,
I have set my sights on being an Airborne Ranger, however I have not taken the ASVAB but my recruiter was with the 101st Air Assualt. I run every day except sunday, and ruck on saturdays with a 50lbs pack for 8 8miles at a 15 mile pace with jungle combat boots. Im in Tae Kwon Do which helps with my coordination flexiblity and cardio, I do an average of about 500 pushups everyother day and 300 V-ups and flutter kicks. Also I go to the weight room everyother day and do various workouts, ie.

Everyday Tae Kwon Do and Run (Except sunday)

Every other Day

Excerise Rep Set Weight
Pullups- 15 5
Chinups- 12 5
Bicep Curls- 10 5 35
Tricep Rasies- 10 5 35
Bench Press- 5 5 150
Squats- 20 3 145
Roman Chair- 25 5
Lat. Pulldown- 10 5 100
Butterflys- 7 5 150 (75 on each)
Pushups- 50 10
V-ups- 25 12
Dips- 15 4
Incline Bench- 5 5 135

Run 6 miles 34: 30 mins
4 200 yard sprints 30 sec interval

Saturday - Ruck with 50 lbs pack and combat boots at 15min pace

But Im a sophmore in highschool, Im on the gymnastics, cross country and swimming team. And I read all the manuals I can get also memiors and anything that might help with the ASVAB like math and physics.
I weigh 130 and am 5' 8 so Im under weight and I need to gain 17lbs which Im currently working on by drinking protein shakes.

Sorry for the long post.
...complete motivation. Wow. I am the same size as you, about 5'8 and day to day vary from 120-125. I used to be into the bench press thing too much also, i actually got up to a max of 235. For some reason i just stoped since i didn't see anypoint in trying to go more and more (could cause injury since i'm kinda small). I then got lazy for about a year. Now I'm getting back into shape (starting to run and such). I think i'll use some of your numbers as a benchmark.
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