
This Archive will be used for Future Soldiers and Civilian Introductions 6 months old and older

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Post by GSXRanger »

Good start, but you gotta get ALOT better.

Bare MIN is as follows...

P/U = 52 stone cold CORRECT Military pushups... as in... NO ERRORS.

S/U = 62 stone cold CORRECT Military situps... same as above

2 mile run = 14:54

Pull ups = 7 dead hang pull ups.

That is the standard, that is what you have to meet. I don't know what the standard for RIP or Ranger School is now... and I don't expect that you can do this right away... but, keep it in the back of your head. To get good at Push Ups, you gotta do them. Same with Situps and running.

Get the best shoes you can get... have a gait analysis done on you, and match the shoes to your running style / weight.

Stop drinking alcoholic beverages and soda, and you will be suprised how fast you whip into shape.

It takes determination.. but you can do it. Hell, I am an old fucker, and I still smoke 20 year olds on the PT track.

Just took an APFT last week. At my age, my scores were as follows...

P/U = 72 Correct Push Ups

S/U = 77 Correct Sit Ups

2 mile run = 14:22 (it was cold and windy as hell)

Push ups kill me, because I am recovering from a torn rotator cuff, and broken left clavicle. I have pins and screws in my collarbone, so if my crusty old ass can do it, you can too.

Work hard, stay dilligent and it will pay off.

Remember, there are us old fuckers out here that do it day in and day out. It's a way of life for us... welcome to our world...

RS 08-91
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Post by GSXRanger »

QR... I just re-read your post... first of all... GET THE FUCK DOWN and do push ups for cutting yourself short.

Don't you EVER cut yourself short like that in this company, you got that? We are not quitters, nor are you. I admire you for what you are doing. I admire you for being honest and humble, seeking advice... and doing what MOST young ones don't have the stones to do these days.

Keep at it, you will do well. Find yourself a partner to run with. It is always better to run with someone a bit faster than you. Shit, I still remember my first run in formation in Benning phase... that is the first run I ever threw up while running. What made it worse, was I could SMELL the booze on the R.I. calling cadence... that motha was as hard as wood pecker lips!!!

Again, do NOT short change yourself. Always look forward, never back... and NEVER down!!

Got it?

RS 08-91
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Post by Rico »

GSXRanger wrote:QR... I just re-read your post... first of all... GET THE FUCK DOWN and do push ups for cutting yourself short.

Don't you EVER cut yourself short like that in this company, you got that? We are not quitters, nor are you. I admire you for what you are doing. I admire you for being honest and humble, seeking advice... and doing what MOST young ones don't have the stones to do these days.

Keep at it, you will do well. Find yourself a partner to run with. It is always better to run with someone a bit faster than you. Shit, I still remember my first run in formation in Benning phase... that is the first run I ever threw up while running. What made it worse, was I could SMELL the booze on the R.I. calling cadence... that motha was as hard as wood pecker lips!!!

Again, do NOT short change yourself. Always look forward, never back... and NEVER down!!
Got it?

Well said Brother, well said.

And QR, welcome, but don't step on your crank and not respond to Rangers here taking the time to steer you in the right direction. And always respond when told to do something. Comprende???
WEBCO 2/75 1997 - 1998
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Post by QuietResolve »

Ranger GSXRanger and Ranger Cliv03, your advice and encouragement are greatly appreciated. Furthermore, Ranger GSXRanger, your reprimand is taken to heart in the spirit and gravity with which it was given. I will not cut myself short again.

Ranger j.rico, understood.

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Post by ANGRYCivilian »

borebrush wrote:The Nuge
You old bastard! :D This kid doesn't know what the hell The Nuge is. QR, listen to something like Tool; their songs are long as fuck.
St Barbara's Bastards

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Post by QuietResolve »


I'm going to take the ASVAB this Monday, and then I head to MEPS on Tuesday.

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Charlie 51
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Post by Charlie 51 »

welcome QR, you are a bit of an oddball aren't you? should fit in just fine.

Here is some running advice from a 35 year old marathoner and ultra-marathoner.

1. Join a local running club, there will be people there that are slow and new to running as well. They will help you stay motivated and stay on track. Usually costs about $15

2. sign up for a local 5k, and I mean right now. Nothing motivates the soul like competition. You will be nervous and doubtful prior to the start, but if you have the desire to not let yourself down, you will discover the thing you will need most to be a Ranger, self-determination.

3. After the successful completion of your first race sign up for a 10K. Once you can race a 10k you can accomplish any goal you need to. It is just long enough to suffer and just bold enough to keep you going. 6.2 miles is a real accomplishment among the majority of runners.

4. Cut out all HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and carbonated beverages from your diet. Carbonated beverages contain CO2 that invades the blood stream more readily than O2 reducing your oxygen carrying capacity. This will inhibit aerobic performance. HFCS is dirty fuel. The 40/30/30 diet is great and you normally do not need to adjust any of your foods, just how you eat them. Drink a lot of water. The recommended 6-8 glasses a day is fine but it is better to find your own need. The body stores water when not enough is consumed. you should have to piss 6-8 times a day or about every 1 to 1 1/2 hours you are awake. Your pee should be clear.

5. Learn to enjoy the suffering there is more to come

6. Masturbate at least once a day, this will clear toxins from your limbic system and keep your heart healthy.......okay I'm jusk fucking with you now :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Good luck!!
C Co 2/75 Weapons
Classes 4-5/93

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - Will Rogers

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