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Post by RTO »

- What if the United States launched an all-out public relations blitz to convince the world that Islamofascism must be stopped? The United States is the world leader in communications, the home of Madison Avenue, yet when it comes to the War on Terror, which is really a War on Islamofascism, were out to lunch and out-maneuvered by Third World thugs. Millennia of lying as a way of life have stood the Islamofascists in good stead. One need only turn on the nightly news to see the fruit of their labors. From Madagascar to Indonesia, the West is losing the public relations battle with Islamofascism, and that means we are losing the war. One need only consider the astonishing world reaction to Israels striking back at years of unprovoked attacks on its citizens. As Victor David Hanson stated on National Review Online, Our present generation too is on the brink of moral insanity. That has never been more evident than in the last three weeks, as the West has proven utterly unable to distinguish between an attacked democracy that seeks to strike back at terrorist combatants, and terrorist aggressors who seek to kill civilians.

It is not lack of resources and technique that holds us back. It is the our lack of will. But If evil fanatics have taught us anything over the years it is this: a small determined cadre of skilled technicians can sway a large population. I am calling for the formation of The West needs a sustained, thorough, and concerted that cadreeffort by artists, writers and intellectuals to make the case for Western civilization. There should be an umbrella organization for this effort. Part of this organizations responsibilities would be a rapid-response team to make sure our message cuts through the lies and hypocrisy of the mainstream media. As journalists and pundits lap up Islamofascist propaganda, we must be there instantaneously to provide the truth, and to hold the medias feet to the fire. Instead of fighters it will include writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians and any other form of communicative arts that recognizes the danger.

As tyrants throughout history have understood, if you repeat a lie often enough, a lot of people will believe you. Why not try the samethat tactic with the truth? It is important to keep in mind that no part of this manifesto is concerned with winning Muslim hearts and minds. The sole purpose of the effort is to shore up Western resolve for the coming struggle.


1. Islam is intolerant. This goes without saying, but it is rarely said. When was the last time you heard a national news anchor comment that under Islam, Christians, homosexuals, anyone who looks funny are routinely stoned to death? Not only is it true it can be proven with voluminous footage and court testimony.

2. Islam never, ever dealsis incapable of dealing in good faith. Highlight sections of the Koran dealing with hudna, dhimmitude, and other directives for dealing interaction with infidels. Robert Spencers Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam should be sent to every journalist and talking head in the country.

3. Hammer, hammer, hammer at Islams treatment of women. Never fail to mention the honor killings, women kept in servitude, sexual slavery of foreign workers, the routine use of gang rapes by Lebanese gangs in Australia, Sweden, and Norway of gang rape to intimidate Westernersand because the Koran tells them its okayall at the Korans behest. Confront feminist organizations directly and repeatedly with this evidence and ask why they are not doing something. Get the feminists, you will get a good portion of the Democratic Party.

4. A nightly news segment A nightly segment dealing withexposing Islamic bad-faith faithpress manipulations of the press, such as the manipulationsthose shown here.( The Palis and their pals routinely stage faux massacres and burials. The scene of the corpse repeatedly being dumped on the ground and climbing back onto the funeral bier is enlightening.

5. Islam has no respect for human life. Highlight the loss in human life of the Intifada. Dramatize how Palestinians gladly sacrifice their own children to kill Jewsor any non-believers. We need to hear from victims of Islamofascism, not fake victims paraded for Western consumption. Interview American, Israeli, Australian, Indonesian, English, Spanish, and Indian familes who have lost loved ones. Show their anguish. Create public service announcements with them.

6. Ridicule their leaders. Film, TV skits, comic books satirizing Ahmadinejadthe dudes eyes are so close together hes practically a Cyclops. And Nasrallahdid you ever see a more hapless looking shmuck. He looks like a chipmunk with glasses and a beard. Where is our Charlie Chaplin toWho will do to for Yassar Arafat or Ahmadinejad what he Chaplin did to for Hitler? Heck, Id settle for Bugs Bunny. Highlight Islamo cowardicethe tough-talking jihadists never put themselves in danger or send their own children to die.

7. Ridicule their fighters as cowards who hide behind women and children. Their so-called armed forces always strike from ambush, dont wear military uniforms, and hide among the civilian population. Their honor is never based on real accomplishments. It is always based on lies.

8. Above all, repeat as often as possible the message that suicide bombing is a crime against humanity, it has no justification, and the people who do it are evil. Point to the example of Tibet, under soul-crushing Chinese rule for decades, yet not a single Tibetan has resorted to violence, let alone suicide bombing.


The secular remnants of civilization seem to lack no sugar daddies in greasing their slide to hell. George Soros and Ted Turner have donated billions to their respective causes. Where are civilizations sugar daddies? As the federal governments basic responsibility is to secure the safety of its borders and citizens, I see no problem in a government agency overseeing our war effort. A Ministry of Propaganda, if you will. However, the liberal/left will resist this innovation with intense fury. Therefore it falls to the private sector to create a core, a critical mass around which the pro-Western, pro-civilization message can flourish.

There is no need for secrecy or deception. Calling it The Ministry of Propaganda would be charmingly straight-forward and underline the truthfulness of the message. We are not trying to hide behind a deceptive title like Holy Land Charitable Foundation.

The purpose of the Ministry would be to foster spread the message through modern media: television, internet, film, books, and comics. It will also need to assemble a crack legal team to deal with the tsunami of lawsuits sure to be brought by CAIR and others of its ilk.


Television: Thank God for Fox News. This is one area where civilization has a leg up. The alphabet networks have so bemanured themselves in recent times that the average citizen, who may not follow politics with a gimlet eye, knows enough not to trust them. Foxs own 24 is one of the few, if not the only, weekly dramatic series with the cojones to depict Islamofascist terrorists.

But more is needed. Remember: the effectiveness of propaganda relies not just on the message but on repetition. Why not a nightly show on Hate Speech, highlighting what Imams preach in mosques from Seattle to Damascus? The producers could offer prize money for anyone who brings in footage or tape of Muslims advocating terrorism in the United States. It would also be extremely instructive to expose the world to what routinely passes for news in Arab totalitarian states. The daily spew of sewage directed against Jews in particular and the West in general would shock our politically correct viewers out of their socks.

A comedy show called EurotrashEU, (pronounced eeeyuu) highlighting the efforts of bumbling venal European Union bureaucrats to pass the buck, line their pockets, and go through exhausting contortions to avoid doing the right thing. Cant you see Peter Sellers, Kevin Kline, John Cleese or similar in those parts? Not only would such a show expose hollow European pretense for what it is, it would become immensely popular in Europe itself. It would be amusing to watch EUs contortions as they tried to ban it.

UN Watch, a nightly program dedicated to United Nations lies, evasions, misdeeds, and failures. A hard-hitting documentary on the UNs failure in Southern Lebanon would surely find an audience. Why, for that matter, has no one delved into Kofi Annans history? We need a 60 Minutes for the good guys.

A series about Christian missionaries in Egypt. A series about a Jewish family trying to survive in Iran.

The Rapid Response Team, to challenge media bias in a mass, coordinated effort while the news is still fresh.

The Ministry needs to foster news and entertainment that reflect Western values and do not shy away from naming the enemy.

Internet: Its a free-for-all out there and despite the plethora of conservative, pro-Western sites, the enemy is winning. Theyre winning because they know how to exploit images. Well the West knows how to exploit images too. What if the South Park Boys (or someone like them) were to offer a daily web strip depicting life in an Arab country? The despots can censor television more easily than the internet.

Why isnt there a coordinated effort by an army of hackers to hack into Jihadi websites and either shut them down, or substitute a pro-Western message? Again, the purpose here is not to convert Muslims, but to convince the West of the need to preserve our civilization. Establishing a foothold in the enemys camp helps to do this.

Film: Start by honoring Hollywoods past contributions to war efforts, particularly during WW II. The parallels between what is happening today and the situation in the thirties are many and fascinating. Perhaps a cable channel devoted to patriotic films in which the host puts them in context.

Where are Golan/Globus and Cannon Films when we need them? During the eighties the Israeli producers churned out a string of politically incorrect action flicks starring Chuck Norris. Delta Force and Invasion USA unapologetically offered Islamic terrorists as villains. Invasion USA is an eerie precursor to what actually happened on 9/11. It is curious that it has not been shown more often.

Hollywood needs to shake off the PC blinders and start churning out actioners about the current world situation that clearly identifies the good guys and the bad guys. Remember Ilan Halimi, the young French Jew who was kidnapped and tortured by a gang of Algerian Muslims in January? Of course you dont. It would make a powerful movie in the hands of someone like Roman Polanski.

We need more dramas like Not Without My Daughter that show Muslim life the way it really is. We need movies showing Muslims gassing dogs to test their weapons. We need to underscore the Muslims lack of affinity for other living things. We need a contemporary John Wayne. Battle for Durfur. Get Al-Zarqawi.

Islamofascists often cite our culture of corruption in rallying their troops. Who can blame them? What decent American isnt ashamed of Hollywoods output, with its emphasis on perversity and violence? Hollywood seeks a global market. The moment Hollywood produces a blockbuster pirated versions start showing up on the streets of Shanghai, Tokyo and Tehran. We need to think about the effect these images have on the enemy. We need to understand the love/hate relationship Islamofascists have for American culture and take advantage of that. They may despise our movies but they are compelled to watch.

The type of unapologetically patriotic and pro-Western values movie I would like to see would demonstrate our resolve to Islamofascists. They already believe most Americans live on the beach and have sex with Britney Spears anyway.

How about a police procedural looking into the Bali Bombings? If Looking For Mr. Goodbar is a valid subject, why not the downing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie? People dont mind if you play with history as long as you honor the truth. Spielbergs Munich, by creating a false moral equivalency between Islamofascist murderers and Israeli intelligence agents, posited a lie. Most people not invested in liberalism understood that. A movie about the Lockerbie bombing would not only provide some sense of closure, it would leave no doubt as to the identity of the perpetrators.

How about a movie called The Big Picture, an epic depiction of Islams relentless quest to enslave the world? If the Egyptian film industry can produce the highly successful Horseman Without a Horse, based on the discredited (in the West only) Czarist forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, why not a Western epic on the scale of Birth of a Nation or Titanic?

John Milius, Bruce Willis, Brian Moore, Lionel Chetwynd are but a few of filmdoms rich, untapped reservoir of conservative talent. If George Clooney and Johnny Depp want no part of it, I have heard that many young actors are eager for work. Perhaps Billy Zane and Gary Busey could be persuaded to join the cast of a pro-Western film.

Comics: The idiot bastard son of newsprint and yellow ink has become the tail that wags the cultural dog. Half the movies made today are based on comic books. The comic itself is making a comeback thanks to the graphic novel and the rise of Japanese manga. Comics are the preferred reading in most of the civilized world. They account for over half the periodicals sold in Britain and Japan. It is only in the United States where they dwindled and almost died from a combination of cultural and economic factors.

But now theyre back, and being read big time by studio executives. Entertainment Weekly and the New York Times regularly review comic books. With the advent of such works as Art Spiegelmans Maus and Neil Gaimans Sandman series they are once again a serious vehicle for ideas.

We need the kind of comics we produced during World War II, when Superman, the Justice League et al went to bat for America against the Nazis and the Japanese. One character from that era cries out for a new beginning: Captain America. Captain America should be taking the fight to Tehran. Captain America should become the unabashed champion of Western civilization and Judeo/Christian values. Considering Marvels diversification, world market, and the eagerness of its owners to hobnob with the beautiful people, this is unlikely.

We need a new Captain America.

by Mike Baron
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Post by LRP1 »

Agree Eric...but we will have to throat punch ALL of the liberal, whinning,PC Asshats first..or ship them all to the sand..
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Post by Ranger Ron »

LRP1 wrote:Agree Eric...but we will have to throat punch ALL of the liberal, whinning,PC Asshats first..or ship them all to the sand..
That's the problem. I am not sure no matter how good you are at communication, some of those nuts will NEVER believe you........but it is what will have to happen.

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Post by LRP1 »

SW, and just who in Hell is gonna clean up that mess??? Not Me..spend days and days cleaning camel shit and towels out of the thanks... :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Ranger Ron »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

SUA SPONTE - "We few, we happy few, we BAND OF BROTHERS;
for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother!"
- Shakespeare

RLTW! - Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave

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Post by Fennidh »

Rangers, please forgive my intrusion. But I just had to say that Ranger Scuba Wino is completely right about the two birds with one stone in more ways than one. After we nuke the whole of the middle east, we wire up all that glass for one giant solar panel. Bam clean cheap energy for the rest of the world. No more need for Islamics or their damn oil.
Mar sin Leat.
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Post by Ranger Ron »

The problem is that the country does not have the political stomach for it.

Unfortunately it may take another 9/11 to shock them into action.

SUA SPONTE - "We few, we happy few, we BAND OF BROTHERS;
for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother!"
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RLTW! - Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave

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Post by RTO »

RangerRon wrote:The problem is that the country does not have the political stomach for it.

Unfortunately it may take another 9/11 to shock them into action.

It's unfortunate, but even something of that magnitude, the bonding of our country and togetherness lasted all of what... 6 months? a year maybe?
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Post by Ranger Ron »

RTO wrote:
RangerRon wrote:The problem is that the country does not have the political stomach for it.

Unfortunately it may take another 9/11 to shock them into action.

It's unfortunate, but even something of that magnitude, the bonding of our country and togetherness lasted all of what... 6 months? a year maybe?
I hear ya. Just have to hope that if it happens again the country will take the threat seriously.

SUA SPONTE - "We few, we happy few, we BAND OF BROTHERS;
for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother!"
- Shakespeare

RLTW! - Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave

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Post by Draco »

RTO stated...
Robert Spencers Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam should be sent to every journalist and talking head in the country.
Bought the last copy at a local bookstore yesterday. It ought to be required reading.
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Post by Ranger Bill »

You guys are a bunch of knuckle dragging, war mongerers. I fit right in. War, not appeasement and peace talks is the only way this will be settled. Grab 'em by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow.
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Post by Lazy P »

RangerRon wrote:The problem is that the country does not have the political stomach for it.

Unfortunately it may take another 9/11 to shock them into action.

What is unfortunate is that the last 9/11 did NOT force most into action. We did not see the mobilization of an entire nation as we did in WWII and we will not. We are looking at the decline of our civilization as we know it and a great number of American's are too weak/too lazy to fight it.

We can no longer stomach, as a nation, the things needed to fight this kind of war. I fear it is already too late.
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